
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Madame Marie LaBeaux and Me

What a day.  I got up at 4 and headed to Santuck(a once a month Flea Market) with Marcie, Glenda, Lyndi, and Jasmine.  It was a 2 hour drive to get there....but we did....and had a blast.  We ate our way around with roasted corn, polish sausages, Dunks Pepper Jelly samples....and all the good stuff to look at.   We got back to Roanoke at 3:40.  Marcie was going to pick me up at 4:30 for tonights big gig.  I had the starring role as the fortune teller at the Rock Mills Elementary Fall Festival.  I wanted a brief power nap....but figured I better work on my costume.  Good thing I went with that because it took me the entire time to put on the excessive makeup, wig, pink sparkled eyelashes, costumes and scarves.  I looked like something out of the bowels of the I named myself Madame Marie LaBeaux from New Orleans.  I threw in a little Italian, French, Spanish dialect...and bingo...I had it.  My room was a storage closet just off the main gym floor and the only light I had was one candle in a jar from Mrs. Beth's office.  It was scary...but the kids came....and came.....and came again and paid their tickets to see Madame Marie  from New Orleans and let her(me) read their palms.  The little girls wanted more...they wanted all the particulars....who exactly where they going to marry, exactly how many children they were going to have and what they were going to name them....the boys....they just were weirded out by the black and pink haired lady in the closet with the strange accent.  I had a ball! I wove wonderful stories for the kids and truly had a blast.  This is my forte.  I have to be honest though..... I have never been so glad to see 8:00 get here.  I have to admit....I am exhausted...but it was a wonderful day!  I wish you could have all been with me.  Hope your Saturday was equally as wonderful!  Come back tomorrow for my Project 365 entry.

1 comment:

  1. That was a busy day! The Flea Market sounds like it was fun and I would love to see some pictures of Madame Marie LaBeaux. Sounds like the kids had fun.


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