
Thursday, November 3, 2011

One Of Those Clorox Messiest Memorable Moments

Spending time with friends and family can lead to fun and memorable moments, but also some very messy ones. Tell us about the messiest moments that you’ll always remember!  I have to admit that I am a very messy person.  When I cook I make a mess, when I craft I am messy, and because of this I always have clorox on hand.  One of my most memorable moments took place at my daughter-in-laws house about 5  years ago.  I had gone to baby-sit for her so she could have some much needed free time.  The grandkids went down for a nap shortly after I got there and I settled down to read a book I had brought.  The kids were so quiet and I lost track of the time.  I became aware of the time when I heard my little grandson paddling down the hall.  As he rounded the corner of the couch I noticed his chest, hair, hands, and legs were covered with poop.  The smell was overwhelming and before I could stop him he had touched her new white Battenburg table cloth and left a brown handprint right on the front.  I grabbed him and took him straight to the bathroom where I got him cleaned up.  I have an extremely strong gag reaction.  As I was cleaning him up, I was gagging, and bless his little heart he was patting me on the back saying, "I sorry Nana.  I so sorry!"  If it hadn't been such a gross experience and been happening to someone else I probably would have laughed until I cried.  After I had him all spic and span I and realized my daughter-in-law would be home shortly.  I went to the bedroom to get the sheets from his bed and discovered the budding Picasso had left his handiwork all over the wall.  What could I do?  I rushed the sheets and tablecloth to the laundry room, put them in the washer, and discovered the Clorox.  My hero.  I ran hot water in the washer and added detergent and clorox to the washer.  I then went to the sink and added some hot water to clorox and went to the bedroom where I cleaned the walls, the bed, and a few random handprints on the carpet, floor, and wall in the hall.  I had just finished ironing the table cloth when my daughter-in-law pulled up.  I have never been so glad someone was late in my whole life.  The kids and I jumped on the house and except for the clean smell of the Clorox the daughter-in-law never suspected a thing.  Thanks Clorox.  You truly were a lifesaver.
 I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls. To learn more about the messy moment program, check out Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.


  1. Oh My Gosh!!! What a story. Filled with empathy here, and must admit a bit of laughter too. How long ago was this? Me, being a grandmother of two grandsons, I know I would never let him forget what he did. LOLOLOLOL [kidding of course].

    And talk about gag reflex...ewwwww!!! Y'had ME going.

    Elusive Butterfly of Love is my post for today. Thanks for stopping by on Wednesday for my Hodgepodge.

  2. That story has got to win! OMG I know I would have thrown up. I gag just cleaning up the poop in the yard.


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