
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Quinn and Angela

My cousin's son Quinn is getting married today.  I am so excited.  Quinn has been my sweetheart since he was just a little fellow and I am so glad he has found his lifemate.  Angela is adorable.  Quinn is an EMT and Angela is a about a perfect combination.  The church looks like a winter wonderland with three trees and silver and pink everywhere.  Her brides table has a helipad on it and his is full of fire trucks.  The reception hall at Chandler Springs is dreamy with pink and silver everywhere.....oh it is not the garish pink from "Steel Magnolias," but it is a soft beautiful pink.  Quinn's aunt embroidered every single table cloth and bow with pink bows and silver bells.  Anyways, last night when we went to rehearsal I wondered where her mom was....and why there was a picture at her side of the unity candle.  I leaned over and asked my cousin, Cindy, what that was about and she told me that Angela's mom had died from cancer four years ago.  I sat there and felt such a sad feeling wash over me that this precious bride was missing an important element from her very special day.  Amanda and I are singing the "Wedding Song" at the wedding today.  I sang it tonight for rehearsal and the acoustics at the church are fabulous.  This was my first rehearsal to actually practice during the event.  It was fun to belt out the song without any music and no sound.....just my voice.  Before we left the sanctuary to go to the fellowship hall to eat (I was excited about cousin Cindy and her husband Johnny used to have a restaurant and they are both amazing with a recipe) I saw the bulletin for today and a pin on a card.  I took one of each....ok, so I won't get one today.  I promise!  The back of the bulletin is a picture of Angela and her mom in bandanas in a heart frame....with a sweet poem called, "Someone is Missing."  The pins are for the guests to wear in loving memory of her mom, Brenda.  They are spirited little angel pins.  I have mine and will be wearing it and some how believe that her mom will be right in the middle of the whole celebration.  Angela's mom always told her that "someday her prince would come," and I believe she was right.  Quinn is one special guy....and he is marrying one special girl.  Good luck to you both.  I wish you years of love and happiness.
BTW....Quinn got this pink helmet as a wedding gift.  1217 is their wedding date.  Is this not hilarious?  I love it!


  1. Oh, my tears are flowing. I hope their day is wonderful, and that they can feel the presence of Angela's mother.

  2. heartbreaking and exciting all at the same time; prayers for a fun time tonight and blessings for them in their sweet!

    I sent you an email message...I did something dumb...i mistakently deleted your snailmail address and need you to send it to me again at
    so sorry i was fat-fingered when cleaning out my emails

  3. They sound like a lovely couple and the everything sounds so pretty. What a wonderful sweet way to honor her mother. Love the pink helmet.


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