
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Winter Extreme 2011/12

Well it is the end of December and here we are at Winter Extreme again.  This year we brought 4 girls and 3 adults.  Our token male, Stiles, had to cancel at the last minute because his grandmother died.  I miss having Stiles with us.  The trip had a shaky start yesterday because I got sick on Monday night, was sick Tuesday morning, came anyways....and then...when I thought I had it licked....was sick in the car coming back from registering for the event.  How gross and I am so sorry for Renee, Libby, and Lyndi as I sat in the front seat and threw up in a bag....there is no where to stop and pull over in Gatlinburg.  We got back to the hotel and I went straight to bed at 3:30.....they all went to eat at CiCi's Pizza and then went to the first session....I slept.  All night....and woke up only once when they got in about midnight.  At 6 this morning I woke again....took a swig from my Sierra Mist....and knew I was going to survive today.  We went to breakfast....and yes, yesterday was a total fast day for me.  It killed me to be in a restaurant and smell grease, much less eat it.  This morning I managed to keep a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit down from Mickey D's.  It was very good.  We went to session one....and even though I wanted a Krispy Kreme doughnut I just could not stomach it.  I ate half a hamburger for lunch...and some fries...and seem to be fine right now.  We are ordering pizza for supper tonight after the concert....I hope I am up to it.  I love me some Papa John's!  Switchfoot is in concert tonight....but two of the girls have mega (migraine) headaches so they are napping now at the hotel.  If they don't feel good when it is time to leave....I will stay behind with them.  No problem for me.  Switchfoot is a LOUD band.  I missed hearing Toby Mac sing and Tony Nolan speak last night...and that does make me sad...but as bad as I was was ok.  We took the girls shopping this afternoon between sessions....I am not a huge to be honest it was torture for me.  I bought a pair of clips for my glasses so I could have some sunglasses....Frank bought a can see we are definitely the last of the big shoppers. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.....I will have pictures to post on my Project 365 Saturday night.  Frank and I got some great shots of Unhindered and Dave Edwards.  Happy Wednesday!
BTW are you a camper?  Up here in the mountains there are a ton of camping locations.  I have actually camped at a few of them myself.  While I am not an avid camper I have camped and enjoy it from time to idea of hardshell camping is Motel 6.  But....I have camped several times with my cousin in her 36' 5th wheel with three pop outs.  That is my kind of camping.  There are some beautiful places in Alabama to camp....Lake West Point, Lake Martin, Lake Guntersville (especially if you want to see eagles). And...if you are a camper....then check out the following sites....
Alabama Camping (linking to:
Family Camping Resources (linking to:
RV Campgrounds (linking to:
24 Hour RV Roadside Assistance (linking to:


  1. So sorry that you were ill. Also hope the girls get over their migraines. Hope the rest of the trip goes better for you. Sounds like an awesome place to be.

  2. Oh how I miss youth trips to Gatlinburg! Love your new layout by the way :)

  3. That sounds like the stomach bug that bit us last month. It took me about 5 days to be able to eat anything substantial. Hope you're having a good time!


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