
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hodge Podge Vol 60 - The First for 2012

Volume 60 is it?  I don’t know when I began participating…but it has been a while I know. I am the queen of random…..but have to admit that's a lot of random, isn't it? I enjoy answering the questions Joyce publishes for us on Hodgepodge.  I look forward each week to see what she comes up with.   Here are Joyce’s questions for this week.  These are the first for 2012.  Want to start out the year playing along?  Then answer on your own blog and then come back tomorrow to link your post up with Joyce and see what the rest of Joyce’s readers/followers are saying.
1. What are three words you would use to describe your 2011?  Sad, Sadder, Saddest.  ‘Nuff said.  But 2012 is a another day and this year is going to be a wonderful one!  I just feel it in my bones.
2. Do you like shrimp? What's your favorite way to have it prepared?  I adore shrimp.  I love it scampi’d, grilled, stewed, skewered, fried…..any way  you can cook it….I will eat it.
3. Is your house de-Christmased? If so when did you tackle that job? If not, when will the decorations come down?  My house is not de-Christmased.  I don’t remove my tree until after the Feast of Epiphany around the 6th of January.
4. Do you like to watch scary movies?  I do not watch scary movies.  I don’t like to be frightened.  I love historical, adventure, romance, comedy’s…that is it. 
5. ice skating~sledding~skiing~snowboarding~of the four listed which wintertime activity do you most enjoy?  I live in the south.  We surf on Christmas day.  I love to watch them all on television when the Winter Olympics happen.  That is the closest I have ever been to any of them.
6. Did you have a childhood hideout? Describe it. Between my house and Carol’s there was a walkthrough that had heavy bushes and we would all gang up there and hide.  It was always the first place my mom would look.
7. What's a place or space that motivates you? I have two and it depends on the season….the beach in the fall and Cades Cove in the fall or spring.  I love to be both places.
8. Did you make New Year’s resolutions?  If so have you broken them yet?  I don’t make them because I can’t keep them.  I did however, set a goal to spend time in the Bible every day and so far I am on track.  I got a neat devotional/journal and am loving it a lot.  I also decided to write more this year.


  1. I love Cades Cove : ) Hope this new year is full of joy for you!

  2. Cades Cove is one of our favorite places, too. That's only a short drive from us, but you know, we haven't been in the cove in years. I really miss riding our bicycles around the loop. Maybe this year, we can do this again. It would be so awesome!

  3. Like you, I only "Channel Surf". It's much warmer that way!

  4. I love the idea of a new journal for devotions for the new year. I hope that 2012 is a year full of happiness and blessings for you and your family.

  5. I love when people keep their trees up. I will most likely start next week and it will take at least a week to complete the put away process! So sorry about 2011.
    ((HUGS)) Reading the Bible is a great goal. I never make resolutions.

  6. Hoping and praying 2012 is a better year for you and your family. Enjoyed your answers!
    until next time... nel

  7. Funny how our 'hideouts' are the first place our moms look!
    Sorry you had such a rough year and pray it will be much better this year for you.
    God bless.

  8. Sorry your 2011 was a hard one.. : ( but your right, a new year and a new start. Loving shrimp right along with you.

  9. I love Cades Cove also! My husband and I rode our bikes there last October. (Well, he rode, I mostly walked my bike!)

    I don't make New Year's resolutions. I always broke them anyway!

  10. How funny that my comment is right under my sister's? :D
    You know the picture on my button is of Cades Cove, right?


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