
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Project 365 - Week 3

My week was much better this week but still not quite on target.  I have had hives all week....not fun. Seems like I have started out 1012 on the fast track and just trying to hold on until Spring March!  This is week 3 of Project 365 and I have been busy snapping pictures of random things.....random....but very much part of my day.  Want to see what everyone else is shooting?  Head over to Sara's blog and check out the amazing pictures of everyone else....join in if you are a camera nut like we all are. 

Sunday, January 15th
Frank has been very busy with his scroll saw work.  He has discovered the medium of stain and they are more gorgeous than ever.  I can't wait to show you the one he did of his grandmother.  It is amazing. 

Monday, January 16th
 Monday, Frank and I went to the Mill Store outlet on our way to Auburn and bought a gorgeous new bedspread.  When I get my room fixed like I want it I will post pictures.  The house where the statue sits is in LaFayette.  It has a funny story that goes with it....but that is a complete post for another day.  For today you just get to enjoy Miss Liberty.

Tuesday, January 17
 I have not done a church sign in a while and this one caught my eye when I was heading home from work.

Wednesday, January 18th

Central Alabama Community College in Alex City.  The top picture is the newest part.  It is the Betty Carol Graham Center.  The bottom half is what it has looked like for the past 30 years.  Back in my day it was called Alex City Junior College, or ACJC.  It is a small campus....but a good many of our kids go there.

Thursday, January 19th
 I love Mr. Rogers.  At the bowling alley where we bowl on Thursday night I noticed this billboard.  It makes me want to sing the introduction song to Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

Friday, January 20th

Frank and I were back in Auburn tonight to pick up the tower of my computer from Office Depot.  We ate dinner at Moe's and after dinner I suggested that we go to Gigi's and get a cupcake to split.  You have to split them cause they are so very rich and expensive.  I paid 3.50 for this Strawberry Shortcake one.  I have to say it was worth every single penny.  It was yummy!

Saturday, January 21st

Sunrise this morning was quick....and then we went under a tornado warning until 7 p.m.  It rained like rip and then it cleared up nicely.  I was so glad to get out and I know the horses in the back pasture came closer to the house so I could get a shot of them.  We went to the auction tonight and it was a really good day all in all.  First day with no hives....and no Benedryl.  YEAH!!!!!  Have a great week!


  1. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.......Mr. Rogers is one of my all time favorites.


    It's been rainy and dreary here as well!

    Glad you hives have gotten better!


  2. Great pictures! Weird weather, huh? We woke up to thunderstorms yesterday; now I'm ready for the snow that's suppose to happen after having thunderstorms in the winter!
    That cupcake: Oh.My. It looks delicious!

  3. Mr. Rogers - now I have that song in my head.

    The cupcake looks like it is worth $3.50.

  4. I am glad to know I am not the only one who's 2012 is on the fast track!!

    Hope your hives are fun!

    Does anyone know who mister rogers is anymore?

    that cupcake had more icing than cake!!!

  5. Hives are no fun! Glad you're feeling better!

    That does look like an amazing cupcake. Pretty and tasty :)

    Sounds like you had a good week, all in all (aside from the hives).

  6. Ahhhh Mr. Rogers. I grew up watching his show. I will sing with you. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Ooh that cupcake looks FABULOUS - well worth the money I'm sure.

    Love your Saturday pics best - beautiful sky & horse...

  8. so sorry to hear about your hives; my mom's were tough to get over last year

    not sure miss liberty would meet our covenants, hahahah

  9. I love seeing a Statue of Liberty big or small! That cupcake looks amazing.

  10. Also, we use to have a Moe's that didn't make it in a very popular mall! I miss it.

  11. OK...I am horribly, horribly late with comments this week but I had to tell you how much I enjoyed the "cutouts". They're awesome :).


Leave me some blogger love with your comments.