
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday Hodge Podge- Volume 61

It is Wednesday and that means it is another great day for Hodge Podge.  My blogger buddy, Joyce, over at "From This Side of the Pond" is our gracious host and comes up with great questions each week.  Want to join in?  It is a great way to get to know random things....and not so random things about the people you blog with.  Click here and go check out Joyce's site.  You won't regret it.  I promise you!
Here are my answers to the questions for this week:

1. Lake Superior University has once again published a list of words/phrases they think should be banished from the Queen's English in 2012- amazing, baby bump, shared sacrifice, occupy, blowback, man cave, the new normal, pet parent, win the future, trickeration, ginormous, and thank you in advance. Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Go here to read more about how the words are chosen.  I would have to say that our language is continually evolving and new words are being added to our vocabulary lists daily...and I am a word freak.  I love anything that has to do with words....but, with that said...trickeration, ginormous, and blowback are three I think we can do without.  Why?  There are better words to describe what they describe. 
2. Are you easily embarrassed?  Yes, even though I try and fake it and act like I am not embarrassed my face gives me away with this warm, rosy sheen.
3. What is your go-to snack?  Pretzels are my favorite run of the mill go to snacks.  When chocolate is in the mix I love plain M&M's.

4. Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? If not do you have any desire to go? What site/attraction would you most want to see in that city? If you have been, what's your favorite site/attraction? I have been to Washington D.C. many times.  I love the Vietnam Veterans Wall, the Korean War monument, the Holocaust Museum, the Smithsonian.  I hope to get a chance to go back this summer. 

5. Sit ups-planks-lunges-squats...which do you hate the least?  Lunges, because they are the most like simple walking.

6. What's a small act of kindness you were shown that you've never forgotten?  One of my way former students bought mine and Frank's lunch at Pizza Hut without letting us know.  I had not seen him in over 20 years.  It was fun to catch up and his gesture made my day.  It was a time when I needed to know I make a difference in the lives of children.

7. Have you ever been a blood donor?  Yes, I was a multi gallon donor at one time...but anemia ended my giving.
8. Insert your own random thought here. profound random thought for today is a verse from the Bible that is one of my power verses  from Psalm 118:5-6 and I thought I would share it with you today.  “In tight circumstances, I cried out to the LORD. The LORD answered me with wide-open spaces. The LORD is for me—I won’t be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”  Can I get an AMEN!


  1. I love the verse. We do not have to be afraid! It's so nice being able to have the Lord to lean on, isn't it?

  2. I love that verse : ) It has really been fun to read about all the small kindnesses out there. The world is full of good hearted people.

  3. I hope to go to DC someday. That was so sweet of your former student to pay for your pizza.


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