
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Classes

I left my house this morning at 7 heading to Calloway Gardens(if you have never been need to see it once in your life) for a photography class with my friend, Renee.  She got a new camera for Christmas and is learning about it.  I want to know more about mine.  Well, my wish was granted....I am fried tonight.  I don't think I can think at all.  I spent seven hours today learning about aperture, shutter speed,  shutter priority, getting out of Auto mode, lenses and a plethera of other photographic terms.  I went into this feeling pretty good about what all I have....I left feeling so inadequate.  I have a fact...I have two....but today I learned that since mine did not cost 500.00+ is not adequate.  Oh come on!  I am not in this professionally....I am in it for the joy it gives me.  I don't have that kind of money for a hobby.  I got home at 4:45, got out of the car, back in another car, went to Sonny's for supper with the gang....and then to the auction where I stayed until nearly 10.  I cannot hang out here very long tonight because I have to be up bright and early again tomorrow for part deux of the class.  Tomorrow we will be at the Sibbley Center and we will be using what all we talked about today from 9:30 - 1:30.  I am going to have to take a day off next week to recover from the weekend.  I will post my Project 365 pictures on Sunday and hopefully have something for you to see from the class.  Did I say I was fried?  Well I am and going to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.


  1. You are so brave to take a photography class! I'm like you, if you can just point and shoot it's just fine. Your pics are very good so you are really learning something girl!

    Have a great Sunday - Sherry

  2. It does sound like an exhausting day! I need to take a class, so glad you are doing this.


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