
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Shadows On The Sand

About the Book: She serves him breakfast at her cafe every morning … but he never seems to notice her.  Carrie Carter’s small cafe in Seaside, New Jersey, is populated with a motley crew of locals … although Carrie only has eyes for Greg Barnes. He’s recovering from a vicious crime that three years ago took the lives of his wife and children—and from the year he tried to drink his reality away. While her heart does a happy Snoopy dance at the sight of him, he never seems to notice her, to Carrie’s chagrin.  When Carrie’s dishwasher is killed and her young waitress disappears, Greg finds himself drawn into helping Carrie solve the mysteries … and into her life. But when Carrie’s own painful past becomes all to present, her carefully constructed world begins to sink.  Will the fragile relationship she’s built with Greg implode from the weight of the baggage they both carry?

About the Author:  Gayle Roper is an award winning author but I wanted you to know about her as a person.  Gayle is married to to Chuck Roper and has been "for more years than seems possible!". Gayle and Chuck live in southeastern Pennsylvania where they enjoy their family of two great sons, two lovely daughters-in-law, and the world's five most wonderful grandchildren.
Gayle is a convinced believer in Jesus as the Son of God and our Savior. This belief informs her world view and is evident in all her stories. She and her husband carried this belief with them years ago as they helped plant a church with seventeen people. That church has now grown to over two thousand. As Chuck says, "next to our family, it's been our greatest adventure."  When she's not writing, or teaching at conferences, Gayle enjoys reading, gardening, and eating out every time she can talk Chuck into it.  Want to know more?  Check out her website and learn all about her by clicking here.

My Thoughts:  I have to admit that it was hard to read this book in the beginning, but after the first few chapters I was hooked and could not put it down.  I am not a huge mystery fan and have never read anything by Gayle Roper yet I was pleasantly surprised by the plot and character development of this story.  It was nice to find a mystery novel that tells a story without the use of sex and foul language. In Shadows on the Sand, Gayle Roper does an excellant job of spinning an intriguing, captivating story that keeps the reader guessing and turning pages in anticipation of what is yet to come. Just when I thought I had figured out the story, there would be a twist that would throw me off guard and I would find myself guessing once again.  I definitely would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good romantic mystery story.

Read An Excerpt:  If you would like to read an except before purchasing this book then click here.

Buy the Book: If you’re interested in checking out this book you can find it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, as well as many other retailers.

Disclaimer:  I received this complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah's Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review. All thoughts are 100% my own and I was not required to write a positive review

1 comment:

  1. One day .....when I retire.....I'm going to spend all of February in my PJs and in bed reading all the books on my never ending "list". I'm not even going to poke my nose out until Spring! (I hope)


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