
Sunday, February 19, 2012

To Tax or Not to Tax

This morning I was sent an email of an article by David White from the Birmingham News that saddened me.  I have always known that at one point or another children's education was going to be martyred for the sake of big business.  I really hoped I would not see this day....but I have. "The Alabama House of Representatives today voted 65-22 for a plan to rewrite the state constitution to protect from legal challenge proposed tax incentives that the governor could approve for companies opening or expanding industrial, research and other facilities in Alabama. The proposed constitutional rewrite, House Bill 159 by Rep. Barry Mask, R-Wetumpka, now goes to the Senate for debate. If approved by the Senate, the proposed amendment would take effect only if approved by voters in a statewide referendum. The proposed amendment would extend immunity from lawsuits based on the state constitution or other laws the tax breaks proposed for companies outlined by another bill, House Bill 160 by Mask, which already has passed the House. Under that bill, the governor at his or her discretion could let a company, in return for building a new or expanded facility in Alabama, keep from 50 percent to 90 percent of the state income tax withheld from the pay of people working at the facility."  The result of this....1400+ MORE teachers will be let go, more students will be in classroom.  I already have 30+ and I am the only foreign language teacher left at our school.  I feel like we are perfectly content to sacrifice the Walmart, Target, car manufacturers, etc....can build and be tax free.  The Education Trust fund continues to be attacked....the last one was so we could spend more money on prisoners....and we actually now spend more on them than our students per diem.  Alabama....what are you thinking????

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