
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Birthday My Sweet Ramona!

Today is my niece/cousin Ramona's birthday.  She is really my cousin....but since her mom and I feel like sisters I have claimed her and her brother as my niece and nephew since they were little.  Now, I am not going to tell you how old she is today....because you don't do tht to a woman.  I will tell you she is one in a million and one of a kind.  I adore her.  She rocks!She is a great little momma, a sweet wife to Dustin, a wondeful tour guide in Panama City, a fabulous hostess, an awesome cook, a great sounding board, a wonderul friend, a hugger most extraordinaire, and an on fire little Christian.  Can you tell I kind of like her a bit?  Well I do and I am so delighted that she has blessed my life for as long as she has. 
Who could turn down this precious little face????  I certainly couldn't.

Ramona and David...both of them were adorable.

My Kat, Ramona, and Missi's Mandy.  The glorious girls!

Ramona and her mom Amanda back in the day.

Family at Thanksgiving at Aunt Shirley's house.

Ramona and SIL Suzanna playing some cut throat cards.

 Family on the beach.
Amanda, all the kids, and all their kids....
Happy Birthday my precious girl and here is wishing you many many more.  I hope this is one of the days you read my blog!


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