
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St Paddy's Day And Spring Break Kickoff

As the decendent of an Irishman who came to America as a result of the potato famine I take St. Paddy's day seriously.  Yes, I will be wearing the green today but I won't be participating in any parades, green beer fests, etc.....I am leaving in about 3 hours to go to Disney World until Thursday with my sweet and cherished husband.  I cannot wait.  This is our first real vacation in 9 years.  We are going to Disney World without children and become kids again.  I hope to get photos posted daily so you can see what we have been doing. This next week is Spring Break at school....Whoooo Haaaa!  I am so excited.  I need this break a bunch.  Now back to today.....Cecil's Public House in Alex City one of the favorite places to eat burnt down early this morning.  I don't know what we will do.  It was an upscale restaurant that served some really good food.  They were noted in the Alabama 100 foods to eat before you die for their blackened catfish and it was mouthwatering.  The pictures I am showing were made by Kenneth Boone.

The fire started in the bar area and spread quickly.  Stacey, the owner, has been remodeling and just last weekend had a huge fund raising singing for Cecil's.  It is an icon.  At one time, when I first moved to Alabama in the 70's it was Dr. Cameron's office.  Such a sad day for Stacey, the staff, and the town.  Finishing up on a lighter note let me tell you a little bit about today. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17, the saint's religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink and feast--on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage, we now eat corned beef and cabbage(I love the stuff).  I can't ever remember a St Paddy's day when as a child we didn't eat corned beef and cabbage.  It was the only day of the year we ever ate it.  I always thought it was an expensive meal and that was why we only had it once a year....boy was I wrong.  I could eat it often.  Corned beef on rye is another favorite of know what they can take the girl out of Ireland...but you can't take Ireland out of the girl.  They had my number.  Have a wonderful day and enjoy St. Paddy's day....if you get a chance go to a parade....and drink some green beer for me(actually instead of me.....I don't drink the stuff at all....any color). If you don't like beer....have a shamrock shake from McDonalds....they are pretty awesome....and if you are in the South be sure and visit Savannah's St. Patrick's day festivities....they are awesome.  Dublin is my number one choice....followed by New York City.  Enjoy yourself today...and be safe.


  1. My youngest granddaughter's mum was born in Dublin and she will never be allowed to forget her Irish roots.My family have irish roots too but from the time of the potato famine.

  2. Tell Mickey I said hello.
    You two lovebirds have a great time being kids again!!


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