
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Love You More :The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter

About The Book:  Following the invisible thread of connection between people who are seemingly intended to become family, journalist Jennifer Grant shares the deeply personal, often humorous story of adopting a fifteen-month-old girl from Guatemala when she was already the mother of three very young children.  Her family's journey is captured in stories that will encourage not only adoptive families but those who are curious about adoption or whose lives have been indirectly touched by it. Love You More explores universal themes such as parenthood, marriage, miscarriage, infertility, connection, destiny, true self, failure and stumbling, and redemption.  In Love You More, Jennifer describes the way she feels God has brought her family together and completed it with the adoption of her daughter.
About The Author:  Jennifer Grant is a journalist and freelance writer with particular interests in parenting, family life, and international health and development. She has been a columnist and currently freelances for the Chicago Tribune. Jennifer is a guest blogger for websites including Fullfill and Sojourners' God's Politics blog and a regular contributor to Christianity Today’s her.meneutics blog for women. Her work has been published on and in magazines including Chicago Parent, Christianity Today, Draft, and Conscious Choice. For more than a decade, she wrote features, restaurant profiles, and columns for Sun-Times Media newspapers.  Her memoir, Love You More was published in summer 2011 by Thomas Nelson publishers. Her second book, Momumental Adventures... will be published in May 2012 by Worthy Publishers.  Jennifer Grant lives with her husband and four children outside of Chicago, Illinois.   Want to know more about her?  You can find  her on Twitter @jennifercgrant, @momumentalbook, and @loveyoumorebook and online at
My Thoughts On The Book:  I was spellbound from the moment I began reading this precious story.  Ten years ago a good friend of mine adopted a child from Honduras and I translated a good bit over the phone for her with the attorney.  When Susie's adoption finally was a reality our whole church celebrated and I celebrated with the Grant family as Mia's adoption became a reality.  My daughter and her husband will be going to Moldova for the second time in June to work at orphanages there so the process, red tape and heart break of international/or even national adoption is near and dear to me.  Even if adoption has never crossed your mind this book is a must read so that you can understand what the loving act of adoption entails.  I was glad that Mrs. Grant included the ups and downs of being an adoptive family.  Many times when adoptions take place the adoptive family expect sunshine and rainbows and that is not always what happens.    I cannot urge my readers enough to get a copy of this book and settle in for a heart touching ride.
Disclaimer:  I was sent this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Blogging review program.  The opinions expressed here are 100% mine and I was not paid to give a positive review of this book.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book Karen! You give such good reviews on books and weed out the ones that may not be worth the time.
    How have you been? Hope all is well with you!



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