
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday Hodge Podge - Vol. 70

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone's invited to play along...answer the questions on your own blog, add your link at the bottom of Joyce's post, and then check out what your neighbors have to say. After you read my answers of course-

1. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated this coming Saturday. What's a favorite article of clothing you own that contains a touch o' the green?  I have a clover scarf I bought in Dublin on St Paddy's Day 2010 while on an EF Tour with my good friends Mary and Marion.  It was delightful to be right there on this special day.
2. What's a favorite 'green space' in the town, state or province where you live?  Mt. Cheha Park in the Talladega area and Horseshoe Bend Military Park just outside of New Site, AL
3. Do you wish you were taller, shorter, or think you're just about right in the height department?
I am copying Joyce's answer.  I am 5'5" tall and I like my height. I'm average. Now if you substituted the word weight for height I might have a different answer.
4. What's the surest way for someone to pick a fight with you?  I'm a peacemaker and do not make waves, so it would have to be something pretty significant.
5. Broccoli-spinach-string beans-peas...of the four your favorite green veg? (Or the one you dislike the least if that first option is too hard for you. I know there are some veggie haters out there).  I love them all in varied ways but string beans are my favorite veg, green or otherwise.
6. March is National Women's History Month...besides friends, neighbors, and the women you're related to, who's a woman in history you admire and why?  Helen Keller - "For many generations, more than we can count, we bowed our heads and submitted to blindness and begging. This blind and deaf woman lifts her head high and teaches us to win our way back by work and laughter. She brings light and hope to the heart."
-Quote from a Japanese woman about Helen Keller
7. Keep calm and ___________on.  You fill in the blank.  My response would be Keep calm and keep on keeping on.  This has become my mantra since the death of my father in 2009.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Today is National Pi Day.  Bet you don't know why?  National Pi Day celebrates Pi, a mathematical concept and a number that never least no one has found the end yet. Often, we round it off to 3.14. If you are a mathematician, this is your day. For National Pi Day is a celebration of mathematics. And, more specifically.... it celebrates "Pi".
Today is the birthday physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. The date is also represented as 3.14. We strongly suspect some combination of these two facts is why someone created the day on March 14th. However, "Pi" was around long before Albert Einstein was born.  Tonight our youth are celebrating National Pi day by eating Pizza Pie.  They are expecting dessert pie....they will be so very surprised.  Pizza for our youth is a huge deal.


  1. What a great thing, to have been in Ireland on St Pat's day. Someday I hope to tour Scotland (home of my ancestors) and Ireland. Have a great Pi day.

  2. Helen Keller was my choice, too! Such a remarkable woman!

  3. Ireland on St. Patrick's Day is pretty cool!

    Pizza "Pi" sounds like a great way to celebrate! Happy Pi Day!

  4. Ireland on St. Patrick's Day is pretty cool!

    Pizza "Pi" sounds like a great way to celebrate! Happy Pi Day!

  5. I would love to be in Ireland on St Patty's. I forgot about pi day! When my girl was home we'd have pizza and/or pi every 3.14. It was kind of a fun extenuation of her birthday which is 3.13.

  6. Helen Keller is a good choice, such an inspired life. Pizza or lemon meringue? Either one would be fine by me : )

  7. Your scarf sounds lovely. Like that answer to #3. Didn't know about Pi day. I am not good at math.


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