
Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for Everglades

E is for Everglades
As a Florida native one of my most favorite places in the world....full of adventure is the Everglades.  It is south of Lake Okeechobee and reaches to the Keys.  It is a mighty wonder that nature has made and full of mystery, excitement, fear, and beauty. If you have never been to the Everglades believe me it is worth the trip. My dad took me into the Everglades many times on airboat rides and as a student in Elementary school we studied the Seminoles who fled into the Glades to avoid being sent to Oklahoma.  Also when I was a child our neighbor, Scott, ran a guide service in the glades.  He had airboats and mud buggies and would take people out for fishing trips, hunting trips, sightseeing trips - day or overnight.  My favorite Scott story happened right after he got a brand new, expensive airboat.  He took a group of hunters from up North for a weekend hunting trip.  It was good pay and he was excited about the job.  Well....they had been out pretty much all day looking for wild animals when they passed under a tree and an unexpected guest dropped in.  Yep...a snake joined the men in the boat....and without thinking one of the guys took his rifle and killed the snake.....he also blew a hole in the bottom of the boat.  For the next 12 hours the men all clung to the ladder of the captains chair because the boat sunk....and there are huge alligators in the Glades.  Scott of course kept the chair.  Believe me that was one expensive trip for the snake slayer.  He ended up buying Scott another new boat.  The beauty of the Glades is wild and even today it is still one of my favorite places in Florida.

Tomorrow I can't wait to share my F place with you.  I hope you will love it as much as I do.  My thirty days of alphabet will all deal with adventures I have had in all my travels.  maybe my pieces will spark some curiosity in you and you will join me in my explorations.  Have a wonderful day!


  1. I had to swiftly move past those pictures. I don't think I could be near the everglades with those creatures!

  2. Wow the size of that snake! Have I mentioned I hate snakes. Interesting post. I will have to check out your others. I am doing the A-Z also.
    until next time... nel

  3. The Everglades is both beautiful and dangerous. A lethal combination! :)

    DL Hammons @ Cruising Altitude 2.0
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

  4. Love the story. The pictures enhance it wonderfully


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