
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hodge Podge-Vol 74

I am participating in the A-Z Challenge for the month of April and todays letter is P.  I have already posted that one.  I have been doing Hodge Podge with Joyce for a couple of years and really look forward to answering her questions.  So Wednesday's during the month of April will have two posts.  If you want to play along then jump over to Joyces, get the questions, answer them, and link up with her.  It is a lot of fun.  Today's questions  and my answers are:

1. Spring is in the air (at least in my neck of the woods) and the birds are singing...what's your favorite bird?  I love birds.  Bluebirds would be my favorites followed by Robins. I don't like buzzards and I don't like crows....they remind me of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds."

2. Speaking of you tweet? If you do share your screen name and we'll come flocking to your twitter site. Even if you don't let's all pretend here that we do-in 140 characters or less, sum up your week so far.  Stillmagnolia is my twitter name.  I don't mess with twitter a lot.
3. It's been reported recently that employers are not only viewing the facebook pages of potential hires but they're also requesting your facebook password to have a look at what you've kept from public view. What say you?  I agree with Joyce....Big Brother is watching.  As a teacher we were encouraged to advance technology use....get a Facebook page for your classroom and then our school blocked facebook useage....oh well.

4. It's April and you know what that means-Major League Baseball is back in action. What's your favorite baseball themed movie? If that's too hard what's your favorite sports themed movie?
Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner is my favorite.  Now if we were talking football movies I am there.
5. Something else this season brings-asparagus. Yes please or no thanks? If it's yes please what's your favorite way to have it prepared?
No thank you.  If I DO have to eat it....then I want it bundled, wrapped in bacon, and brushed with olive oil.

6. What drives you? (Don't you love how I sandwiched that one in between asparagus and jugglers?)
7. April 18th is International Jugglers Day...can you juggle?  In the traditional  In the non-traditional sense yes!  I juggle my life, my job, my pastor's wife duties, being a mother, being a friend....everyday.

8. Insert your own random thought here.  I am going to Niagra Falls this summer.  Have you ever been there?  Did you stay on the American or Canadian side?  What all did you do?  I am looking for ideas for what to do while we are there.


  1. I would love to visit Niagra Falls one's on my "bucket list"!I'm sure you'll have a great time!

  2. We are thinking of a Niagra trip in the early fall. I've heard the Canadian side is worth a look too.

  3. So true on the buzzards and crows. They drive us nuts down our hillside and Skye goes crazy barking at them. We get big groups of crows. Field of Dreams was my favorite too. The asparagus sounds good wrapped in bacon! I have never been to the Niagra Falls but would love to visit. Have fun. Sorry I haven't been following most of the A-Z people are doing.

  4. We watched The Birds a few years back and thought it was so funny that something so goalie instilled so much fear! Special effects have come a long way!


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