
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O is for Ontario

O is for Ontario
Todays Adventure will find us in Ontario.  There are no pictures because I have never been to the Niagra Falls Canadian or American side.  This is an adventure that is upcoming.  Last summer we had the first ever SMAK trip.  It consisted of Susan, Melissa, Amanda and Karen and we went to Providence, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket and had a wonderful time.  This years, second annual trip is being named the SMALK trip because we have added Linda to the group.  We are flying into Buffalo, NY (Linda, Amanda, Susan and I from Atlanta and Missi from Nashville) on Thursday, June 14th and should all be there sometime around 12.  We will be renting a car, perusing the Buffalo side and then heading over to our hotel in Ontario.  We are all so excited.  We have all started planning things we want to see with Niagra Falls being the prized journey.  Susan is the only one who has ever seen it, so it will be a new experience for the rest of us.  Niagra Falls is on my bucket list so I cannot wait to see its majesty.  If you are my follower then check back after I get home on Sunday and see my photo journal of the great 2012 SMALK adventure. I love a good girls trip.  Don't you? 


  1. We stayed at Niagara falls for 3 nights as part of our honeymoon coming up 4 years ago. It was quite simply amazing.I was thinking about doing a blog post about it in a couple of weeks.The thing I remember most was the noise of the water and seeing the mist from the falls even before we saw the falls themselves.You will have a wonderful time.

  2. Look forward to the rest of your challenge run…can’t believe we’ve had 16 days already!
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. Niagara Falls is great but Ontario is huge... much more than the Falls! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

  4. I live about an hour's drive from Niagara Falls and we go at least once a year. You can see some photos I took about three years ago in February during an extremely cold winter.

    I thought you might appreciate knowing some fun things to do when you are there so here are some of our favourites:
    1. The Maid of the Mist is an amazing experience although very costly. It is a boat that takes you up right near the base of the falls.
    2. We also like to go down a tunnel that takes you out to a ledge behind the falls - the roar is deafening. You have to pay to do it and part of what they give you is rainwear as you would get soaked otherwise. It is very dramatic.
    3. Niagara-on-the-Lake is a quaint historic town about a 20 minute drive from Niagara Falls and well worth the drive. You can see photos of it in this post: There are lots of shops and restaurants and a theatre (the Shaw Festival) and beautiful homes.
    4. Wine tours - there are lots of different ones in the Niagara area.
    5. The Butterfly Conservatory - these are greenhouses with lots of butterflies that you can walk through and the butterflies will come and sit on you. You can also watch the butterflies emerging.
    6. Hiking in the Niagara Gorge. If you go downstream from the falls there are places where you can climb down some stairs and hike along the Niagara River. It is very pretty if you like hiking.

    I hope you enjoy yourself. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.


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