
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Project 365 - Week 15

It is that time of week again.  Time for all of the Project 365'ers to share their week in pictures.  Our host Sara, is a love for doing this.  It is my second year to participate and I spend my week looking for the odd, the unusual, the beautiful......whatever. If you would like to see what everyone else has been shooting then jump over to Sara's blog and check them out.  There are some amazing photographers who participate.  I hope you enjoy my offering this week.

Sunday, April 8th - Easter Sunday
We had sunrise service and breakfast at the church, then services at 11 followed by a cookout with some of our congregation members.  It was a great day.

These are the amouints of eggs you get when you have nearly 200 eggs to find and only 3 kids hunting.  It took longer to hide them then it did to find them.  The favorites were the M & M eggs.  The adults all wanted the hard boiled eggs.  Whoever colored them really did a good job.  They looked tie-dyed with Monet colors. 

Monday, April 9th
Amy and Wayne have a cat with two colored eyes and he posed just long enough for me to grab a shot.  Is that not a gorgeous cat?

Tuesday, April 10th

We went to LaGrange after I got home from work to see Mr. Dollar in the hospital.  He had a total knee replacement.  He is Amy's dad and our favorite auctioneer.  We had a nice visit and then ate dinner at Pizza Villa.  Their Greek salad is amazing.  Carissa was not at work tonight but the salad was still good.  The shots I got are in the square of downtown near the Chamber of Commerce.  Traffic was heavy and we had to wait between lights so I grabbed a couple of quick ones.

Wednesday, April 11th
My favorite sunset picture(not at the beach) ever.

Thursday, April 12th
Frank's new shop was delivered on Monday and I realized I had not taken a picture of it yet.  This is the new and improved Franks Shop.  He has been doing all his scroll saw work in the storage building in the back yard.  Here he can actually be "Open for Business!"  He is like a kid at Christmas.  I am surprised he has not spent the night in it yet.  I love seeing the spark in his eye when he is working.

Friday, April 13th
I stopped by Mrs. Shirley's today to drop off the Sunday School material so she could teach this week and her cat posed so sweetly on the roof of her car.  Are those not some gorgeous yellow eyes?

Mrs. Shirley grows orchids and has some amazing ones.  This little sweetie is called "Freckles.: 

Beth, Renee and I went out tonight for my birthday.  We decided on The Brickhouse in LaGrange.  The food was excellent and the company was even better.  Frank is away this weekend at class so it was fun not sit home alone.  I love these girls!

Saturday, April 14th
I had grand plans for shots today.....Tommy and Sandra picked me up to go to the auction....which was cancelled we rode down some country roads until Frank got to the house.  We stopped by to pick him up, for me to change into tennis shoes, grabbed the camera and headed out to find a cemetary in the woods in Chambers Co.  We rode all over the place and never found the cemetary and we lost light pretty quickly back on those woody roads.  We will try again another day and so I grabbed Frank's sign he made for his shop.  If my picture is not clear the man on the right is working a scroll saw.  Frank is open for business.  Have a great week and I will see you next week.  It is the 15th and I am off to church to sing with my cousin and singing partner Rebecca and then lunch in Auburn at Provinos for my birthday!  I am 58 today!  Medicare is getting closer.  Have a blessed day!


  1. Love all the pictures. Sweet Easter shots and the cats are so cute. I love a nice Greek salad and Frank's sign is wonderful!
    Have a great week and Happy Sunday.

  2. Happy happy birthday! I hope you're having a grand time.

    I love that Frank has a shop now - good for him!

    And yes, that sunset is fabulous. There was a really pretty one here on Tuesday, but I was driving away from it & never did stop to take a picture.

  3. I think it's interesting to see what some towns paint on the sides of buildings. I especially like the historical ones like in your photos.

    Gorgeous sunset!


    And have a wonderful week :)

  4. Very, very belated birthday greeting: May life in the new year get better and sweeter every day.
    Love the sing on Frank's shop and that he has a shop!!!


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