
Monday, April 23, 2012

T for Texas - T for Tennessee

T for Texas

We are on the downhill slide of the A-Z April challenge.  Texas was a great adventure for me.  I loved the history of Dallas, the cute little shops in Grapevine, the cattle drive in Ft. Worth.  Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind?  It does mine. 
My cousin Faye lives outside of Plano in a small farming town called Farmersville.  I have been to visit her a few times and she has shown me where Dallas was filmed and believe me it is impressive.  I have driven across Texas, enroute to Los Angeles, and was overwhelmed by the dessert.

T for Tennessee
I could not make a call on my T AdventureTennessee is one of my favorite places on earth.  It is metropolitan, blue grass country, old ways vs new ways.  I love this place.  Memphis is ribs, blues, Elvis, and the ducks at the Peabody Hotel.  Nashville is country music, dreams, disappointments, the Grand Old Opry, Ft. Nashborough, and E.T.'s Record Shop.  Baby cousin Missi and her husband Clay live there and I love to go visit them.  There is so much to do....or you can do absolutely nothing.  The choice is yours...but you need to take in some of the sights if it is your first time there.

And then there is Knoxville.  Home to the University of Tennessee, the host of the 1982 World's Fair, culture, class, tradition, and beauty.  If you are ever in Knoxville and you like a good steak you must eat at Ye Olde Steakhouse.  It is to die for. 

One of my oldest friends (we have been friends since we were five) lives there with her husband and there is always an open door.  From anywhere you go you can see gorgeous mountains, and get a big dose of southern culture.  The South abounds with that.  Want a great vacation....tour Tennessee.  You won't regret it and it will capture your heart.....forever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Karen! You've been quite the traveler! Thanks for your table always leave such sweet messages. I know you're just about wrapping up the school year....we've still got until the 15th of June! But I'm pretty sure we started later. Hope you'll be able to spend your Summer break visiting even more sure to take pictures!


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