
Monday, May 21, 2012

Beyond Snapshots

About the Book:  Are you interested in photography?  Looking for a new camera?  Want a second job or developing a new interest?:  Let professional photographers Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey show you how to use that fancy DSLR to photograph the story of your life, from falling in love and having a baby, to the everyday moments that are no less precious. You’ll learn:
• Common beginner mistakes and how to avoid them
• How to take portraits of your children, friends, pets—even yourself
• How to capture light to make your photos more dramatic
• How to make colors pop, eyes sparkle, and skin tones more realistic
• How to capture the uniqueness and wonder of your family, friends, and world
 After all, why trust your memories to regular snapshots when with just a little knowledge, you can create beautiful photographs?  This book will help you be inspired to see the beauty around you, every day.

About the Authors:  Rachel Devine is an international commercial kid photographer and American ex-pat mom/photo-blogger. Born in America, Rachel and her family are based out of Melbourne, Australia. She is known as Sesame Ellis on the is a long story. Peta Mazey is one half of the Beyond Snapshots team and a professional Photographer that shoots a bit of everything, but especially loves working with children. She works internationally and is based in Wellington, New Zealand.

My Thoughts on the Book:  A year ago my husband bought me my first DSLR camera and enrolled me in a community class at a local college.  I was hooked.  I blog and each Sunday participate in a meme called Project 365 (a week in photos).  This book has been an inspiration to do flower shots, people shots, and nature shots better.  It is a great source book and I delighted to have added it to my photography collection.  I don't want to be a professional....but I do want to be the best at what I do.  If you are interested in photography this book is a must.

Disclaimer:  I received this book from Net Galley and Crown Publishing Group for a fair and honest review.  I was not paid for my review and my thoughts are 100% my own.

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