
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hodge Podge Vol 79

Somehow it's already Wednesday, where has the week gone?  Hummm....could be I am at the beach and sitting at a computer when there is sand and surf could be a hinderence to my blogging juices.  Good thing I will be headed back to Alabama on Friday morning.  But since it IS Wednesday it means that Joyce's Hodgepodge is here again. I'm glad you joined all the fun sure to add your link to the bottom of her post and include a link back here on your blog so everyone can play along. Here are my answers to Joyce's questions-
1. What can the average citizen do to honor a military veteran and/or those currently serving?
I personally fly your flag, say thank you to a veteran and show my pride in being an American.  I vote, and when I see someone who is a vet....I tell them, "thank you for all you do or did."
2. Besides a flag, what is something you own that is red, white, and blue?
  I have two pillows that are patriotic and red, white and blue.  I have two wreaths for my doors that have Uncle Sam on them -one says Welcome and one says I Love the USA.
3. Does love really conquer all?
Human but I truly believe that God's love conquers all...there is nothing too big for Him.   Human love is something I believe God provides to help us get all the challenges life throws our way.  Human love is the physical touch.
4. Strawberry shortcake or blueberry pie?
You mean I have to choose?????  I love them well as blackberry cobbler, rhubarb pie, and cherry pie.   I love all the summer fruits in pies.
5. Do you share personal stuff with your hairdresser?
Yes because she is one of my dearest friends.  She was my friend before my hairdresser.  She has an amazing spirit and I admire her and seek her advice. 
6. Does money lead to selfishness?
It depends on what you do with it.  If you use it for YOUR personal glory and advance and never care about others and what you can do to help them....then yes!  If it is something you use in a servants manner then definitely not.
7. What piece of furniture in your home most needs replacing or refinishing?
I have two.  The couch in the den is sad....but remember I live in a parsonage.  The seat covers on the dining room table need to be recovered and that is one of my summer projects....I have a doxie who has messed up two....and again....I live in a parsonage and I don't want to ever leave one and have the congregation talk about how badly I treated their home.  My hairdresser Jo is going to help me.  She has impeccable taste in decorating.  Who knows I may even cover the couch too.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It is 88 degrees here in Panama City Beach with a humidity of a bizillion degrees.  There has been a wonderful breeze all week here until today....and now it feels like walking outside you are seering your skin. HOT! HOT! HOT!


  1. Great answers Karen. I should fly my flag more often. Love your answer for #3. Good luck with your chairs. We need to do that too. Humidity is hard to take!

  2. I'm glad you joined the HP...enjoy your beach time!!


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