
Monday, May 7, 2012

Project 365 - Week 18

This is week 18 of Project 265.  Our delightful host Sara has been so great in keeping this going.  It is a simple concept.  You post on your own blog, you link to hers, you view eve4ryone elses stuff and it is so inspiring.  It is never to late to join up with us all.  I have learned a great deal of photo tricks here.  Here is my week in photos...hope you enjoy them.

 Sunday, April 29th - 5th Sunday
I went to Beth's today after lunch to get some shots of her blooming things.  As you all will see this week blooming things tickle my fancy.  Beth's yard is filled with fragrance too.  I wish I could have photographed the smell of these Asiatic Lillies.  Most people love them....they remind me of funerals and are suffocating to me. 

Monday, April 30th
Monday night we had a Baptism of a baby at our church.  Frank married the young couple right after we got to Rock Mills.  This was a great night.

Tuesday, May 1st

 Some of the flowers hanging outside of Awbrys....just tempting me back in.  Everyday I pass here and everyday I want more.

Wednesday, May 2nd
Another daisy.  I love the way this one is curling on the end.

Thursday, May 3rd

My oldest friend (53 years), Susan has a magI mean look at her yellow daylillies and Stella d'Oro's.  in her magnificent garden.  Her thumb is as green as green can be.  I have always been so covetous of her yard.   We went to Knoxville today so that we could be there for the funeral of Susan's MIL, Mrs. Jane.  It was a sad trip.

Friday, May 4th
I have to share these gorgeous purple things with you from Susan's garden too.  I missed the shot yesterday cause the rain began.

Saturday, May 5th
Amanda, me, and Missi at Charlie's house after the funeral.  We were all going to visit a bit, change, and hit the road.  We made it home with no rain, hail, sleet or snow which is more than I can say going up.  Frank and I were both beat by the time we made it to the house. 


  1. I love all your flower pictures! Especially the lilies - just gorgeous! So sorry for your friend's loss - I'm glad you could be there for her.

  2. The Lillies are gorgeous. I love pictures of flowers. Aww...sweet baptism. Hope all is well with you.


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