
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Project 365 Week 20

Sara is such a lovely hostess on Project 365.  I have been a bit slow because I have been deathly ill.  I have had no energy, no appetite( to the tune of 41 lost pounds) and after numerous tests and doctor visits have a diagnosis.  Hop over to Sara's blog and see her awesome pictures and then check out the links she has posted and see the amazing offerings from the other participants.  I am feeling a lot better and plan to link up Week 21 on time this week.   I actually felt like holding a camera

Sunday, May 13th
This is Mother's Day and we had a wonderful service at church.  I loved it.  The mothers were all given bookmarkers that when rubbed smelled like lavendar and a matching pen.  I love mine.

Monday, May 14th
I went to Betty Jeans and shot some flowers that were blooming.  You are going to see quite a bit.  I had little to no strength and it seemed that the pictures I made on other days just didn't get it.  I took enough from this day that I am going to share with you all her beautiful flowers/ 

Tuesday, May 15th

Corn Crib or silo I don't know.  It is in Larry's back yard and I am fascinated by farming things.

Wednesday, May 16th
No picture today.  I was really feeling bad and it was our last night at youth.  By the time we got home from there I went straight to bed and crashed.  I have an MRI in the morning.

Thursday, May 17th
I slept most of the day.  Went outside briefy and took a picture of my hydrangea.

Friday, May 18th
Friday night after dinner at Gedneys Frank made a new pretty friend.  She did not like me because of the flash on the camera.

Saturday, May 19th
We got up early Saturday morning to be at a high school graduation in La Grange, GA.  Tyler was graduating.  By the time I sat in the sun for the ceremony my legs felt like they weighed a ton.  I took several pictrues with my phone but have not figured how to put them on my computer.  We went to Applebees for lunch at 10:30 and there was nothing that looked easy to eat.  Everything had some kind of chipotle, southwest, some kind of sauce. I ate the plainest thing I could find...but spent the rest of the day on the couch....and finally ate some cheese and crackers and got them to stay down.  I will be glad to feel better.  Hope your week was great.  


  1. Beautiful flowers and I love the silo. Hope your having a nice weekend and feeling better.

  2. I love your pictures this week - beautiful flowers! I'm so sorry you've been sick - but I'm so glad that you have a diagnosis & are getting treatment that will hopefully give you your energy back.


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