
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project 365 - Vol 23

Well it is Sunday and that means it is time for me to post my week in photos.  I have enjoyed this week and have some good pictures to go with my weblog of the week.  Our hostess, Sara, had not posted yet but when she does be sure to click here and see all the photos of the whole gang.  I love seeing all their nature shots, their lives shots (graduations, weddings, etc), and see what they did all week.  It is fun participating in Project 365.  Thanks Sara for doing this for us.

Sunday, June 3rd

It is official.  I am a gardener.  I have four pots each of cucumbers and squash, a tomato pot, and a pepper pot.  They are beginning to produce fruits and I am thrilled.  Today was my friends Marian and Susan's birthday.  Hope they had a great day.

Monday, June 4th
When we were in Florida last week Frank and I found a wonderful little shoe place.  I bought this cute little jeweled sandals for 10.00.  I so love a deal.  It has taken me a week to get all our stuff put where it belongs.  I am not sure whether I am going to keep them or give them to Kat for her birthday when she returns from Moldova.  They are cute huh?  Today was Thrill Jill's birthday.

Tuesday, June 5th
Frank left early this morning to go with our neighbor and friend, Wayne, to pick up a jeep in North Carolina. They will be home sometime tomorrow evening.  I did not feel very spiffy today so I read one of my review books.  This was a good read and I enjoyed the rest.  I am going to pass this book on to Ms. Jane, my reading buddy, I know she will enjoy it.  She has as voracious a reading hunger as I do. 

Wednesday, June 6th

Look in the center of the first picture and you will see one lone bird egg.  My birdhouse is housing two nests from different kinds of birds.  Up in the right corner there are three little blue eggs.  The lilly looks like it is scratching it's head and wondering why it is standing out in the heat.  The little seed birdhouse was a birthday gift from my friend, Trina.  I finally got around to putting it out so the birds could enjoy it.  They have been thrilled with it.  My yard has a plethera of birds in it and i am loving hearing all their chatter during the day.

Thursday, June 7th

Today I had a Dr.'s appt in Alex City and when we finished we stopped at Strand Park to take a picture of the new art piece that has been added.  It was made from donated and discarded instruments.  Strand Park is where the Jazz Fest takes place on Friday night.  On Saturday night it will be held at the ampitheater at Kowliga.  Later in the afternoon Beau went to see the new groomer.  We spent twenty minutes explaining that he might need to be muzzled....he has never bitten....but he sounds so ferocious....and he hates people messing with his collar....and when Frank brought him home....HE WAS WEARING A BANDANA!  I could not believe the little dickens.  Frank said he enjoyed his spa day.  LOL!  Smart dog.

Friday, June 8th

Last weekend Glenda was here to give me wreath making lessons.  Then she sent me home with the other one to do myself before this weekend.  The top one is mine and it is on the carport door.  The bottom one is the one she made.  Now you tell they match?  I think I think I did a pretty good job for a first timer. 

Saturday, June 9th
Frank tried his best to work in his shop today.  Early into his shop time there was a structure fire call he responded too and was gone until 1.  He worked a bit more after lunch and then we went to LaGrange for Sip and Shop.  We had dinner with Wayne, Amy, and their sweet daughter P.J. at Pizza Villa and then came home.  Frank worked a little more.  We got the Man Cave sign when we were in Florida.  I hope you will stop back by next week and check out what I shot...I am going to be in Ontario at Niagara Falls from Thursday - Sunday so my post will be late Sunday night.  I am only taking my IPad and leaving my computer at home.  I may have some technology withdrawals.  Have a great week!


  1. Good luck with your new garden. In my book there is simply nothing better than fresh from the garden veggies!!!!


  2. So many great shots! Love Frank's new sign :) Sounds like you had a wonderful week. Look forward to your Niagara photos!

  3. Cute shoes - & definitely a bargain. You're right about the lily LOL. Love the man cave sign :)

    Have fun on your trip!

  4. My cucumber are short and fat right now and I have two tomatoes that look like yours. Just bought some colored pepper plants yesterday and a strawberry. Cute sandles!


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