
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Project 365 - Week 22

Well it is the 22nd week of this year.  That means that there are 30 weeks left to go.  Our hostess, Sara has opened the link system on her blog so please view my week in pictures and then hop over to Sara's blog and check out everyone elses.  Let me tell you there are some amazing photographers over there. here are my offerings of the week.

Sunday, May 27th

Sunday we were headed out for our vacation to PCB with the Towler/McCarley family.  We were packed and after church headed to the house to change, let the dog out and hit the road.  We hit the road just before 1:00 and the excitement filled the air.  School is out and Mrs. Betty Jean was all decked out for Memorial Day.
We have arrived and checked in and stepped out on our deck to let the gang know we were there.  Dinner was on your own tonight so we road down Front Beach Road a piece and ate aat Mikes.  The food and service were fabulous.

Monday, May 28th - Memorial Day
We cooked out today at the hotel and fed about 50+ people.  We had ribs, bbq Boston Butts, porkchops, sausages (a few - most of them had been left out.

The guys went go-cart racing during the early afternoon.  They took the kids and all seemed to have a wonderful time.  The motel showed a movie for everyone tonight, "Monster's Inc."  It was great fun.

Tuesday, May 29th
The guys and Marcie got up and went fishing this morning on the pier down below the motel. Isn't my sweet Frank cute with his fishing gear?

While they were all fishing Sherry, Libby and I went to Mike's for breakfast.  Libby came down and asked but I had already had a small bowl of oatmeal and declined about 7.  They Sherry came down and asked me to take them because her vehicle went fishing.  I went and ate a real breakfast and it was great!

Tuesday night we went to Captain Jacks for supper.  It was a seafood buffet place and not so good.

Wednesday, May 30th
Some of the group left today.  Others will be leaving tomorrow and Frank and I will be heading honme on Friday.  Today everyone just hung out and visited with each other and enjoyed the kids. I took pictures of Libby today and took her shopping for souvenirs.  Tonight we will cook up everything we have left and I have invited Ramona and her family to come and eat with us.

Thursday, May 31st
We all had breakfast again at Mikes before the Towlers and McCarley's left.  After they left Frank and I planned our day.  We headed to the mall, ate lunch at Dusty's, went to Boon Dock's.  In between all this we enjoyed the view of the beach from the deck off our was kind of lonely without the whole gang here.

On the second trip to the mall we saw this really cool looking truck.  I had to grab a shot of it.

Supper at Hillary's Boon favorite place to eat.

We walked Pier Park tonight and had a lovely time.  There was a storm moving in and the heat was gone.  When we returned to the motel we packed up everything we did not need in the morning and went to bed.
Friday, June 1
The trip is over and we checked out a little bit before 7.  I ate oatmeal before we left and Frank stopped and got a Starbucks on the way out.  I have been wanting to get a picture of a train with some graffiti on it and found just the right one on the way back to Rock Mills, AL.

Saturday, June 2nd
We were busy today with the wedding, had dinner with Bill and Ann, went to Sherry's for wreath making lessons. On my way home I saw the moon and grabbed a late night shot before heading in the house, doing my blog, and hitting the bed. What better way to end my week.  You will need to check out Bugs blog cause I know Dr. M will have a magnificent moon shot on her blog.

This shot reminds me of an angel.  I hope you all have a great week and I will see you soon.


  1. We eat at Mikes when we're in PCB, too! It's a good place! doughnuts from Thomas'??? That's an ABSOLUTE MUST for us! :D

  2. June 2 must have been the day for weddings, I attended one too. Love the pictures of Lilly.

  3. What a great vacation. Nice weather, great food and family. Doens't get muc better than that.

  4. sounds like you had a fantastic vacation!!!

    The recipe for the pretzels is here:

    Very easy!!! enjoy!

  5. sounds like a relaxing getaway. glad you enjoyed it!
    beautiful pictures of libby. she's very photogenic.

  6. love the beach pictures...

    Glad you had a good vacation!


  7. Looks like a great time. I love your moon shots - Mike got one last night that I know you'll love :)

  8. Great to go off on vacation after school year over!
    Love the colors of the sky and the clouds in pic 7.
    Have a wonderful week.

  9. Looks like a perfect trip and some really tasty meals. Loved all the pictures.


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