
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Project 365 - Volume 29

Week 29 is put to bed and the year is over half over.  Whoa....where has the time gone.  In two more weeks I head back to school.  The kids don't come until the 20th of August because the Bureau of Tourism for the State of Alabama made sure we did not start two weeks earlier. there goes my Fall Break...and the second week of Christmas.  Thanks guys.  If you love photographs and want to see some truly amazing ones then after you look at mine head over to Sara's blog and look at everyone elses.  Of course, you can start taking a picture a day and finish out the year with us.  If that is the case then jump over to Sara's blog and link up with your own shots.  I would love to see what is going on in your life.

Sunday, July 15th

Kat and Brian came to church this morning to tell about their trip to Moldova.  We all went out to lunch at T. J. Rockers.  After lunch they headed back to Montgomery and we went home.  I got a call and Mrs. Betty Jean's hibicus plants were all blooming so I popped in over there to grab some shots.  The white and red ones have huge blooms, but the white one was partially captured in the flower stake so you can't really tell how huge it is.

Monday, July 16th

On June 19th we bought a new griddle because our old one came apart at the seams.  I chose the one from the bottom picture.  It was an Oster.  I did not use it immediately, but when I did we discovered that there was not a grease trap with it.  No problem...I used a saucer....but after the meal I went online to see about ordering the part.  It was not happening.  I ended up calling the company and they said there was no part to order and they would simply send me a new product.  When we got home from errands on Monday there was a massive box in the garage.  We opened it and found our new replacement griddle.  It is not quite like the one we originally bought...but it actually has a nicer griddle face.  Thanks Oster!  You have a customer for life.

Tuesday, July 17th
We got up early this morning, dropped Beau at the Vet's for teeth cleaning and headed to Dothan to see my Uncle Larry and Aunt Wanda.  Uncle Larry had back surgery a couple of weeks ago and I felt like I needed to head down there and get some Uncle Larry and Aunt Wanda loving.  She fixed us an amazing lunch and I grabbed a shot of his barn.  You all know I have a thing for barns.  I meant to get a shot of them but never took the camera out after the barn shot.  I will head back down there is a lovely ride....especially going through Eufaula and seeing all the lovely antebellum homes.  We got home just in time to pick up the dog and settle in for the evening.  Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Wednesday, July 18th

We are headed to Nashville today.  We left about an hour later than we planned due to a massive thunderstorm that knocked the power off for a bit.  Neither of us could remember what was we stayed put til the power came back on.  Headed out up Hwy 431 to Gadsden where we will be picking up I-59 to I-24 just outside of Chattanooga.  Here we are on I-24 coming into Nashville.  If you look real carefully you can see the Batman building9my name for the A T & T building).   We are going to spend a few days with my cousin, Melissa and her husband Clay.  Traffic is pretty heavy but at least there is no rain at the moment.  We are going to stop at the Cokesbury store.  I want to get Frank and robe and some stoles.  After that we are headed to a men's only consignment shop called Flips.

Melissa has done some remodeling on her house since the last time I visited.  She redid her kitchen and den and living room.....her house is so beautiful.  She and Clay live there with two inside cats and one outside one.  We had a quiet evening, Clay grilled some amazing pork chops for us and we had fresh asparagus.  It is interesting trying to plan a meal for two diabetics and two who do not eat whey...but somehow we managed to do it.  There was a pretty good storm later in the evening.  I hope it is raining in Rock Mills.

Thursday, July 19th

Thursday Missy took the day off and we went shopping.  We hit a new shopping center area with a Belks.  Frank got bow ties, I ended up with two tops and a shrug, and Missy got two tops and two pairs of capris.  Belks was having a great sale.  After Belks we had lunch at Five Guys and went to Opry Mills.  Frank wanted a holster for his little .22, we found two cool shirts for him, and Missy got some jeans at the Bass Pro Shop.  We then went to Rack Room Shoes and the two of them got a pair of shoes - buy one get one half off. It was a productive day.  Back to the house to meet Clay and head out to a new restaurant they wanted to try out called the Black Pearl.  What a great supper, great company, good service, and the view was amazing.  We took the scenic route home and played Words with Friends while another storm kicked up.  Frank took some video footage of the lightening.  We will be heading home tomorrow and I think it will rain on us the whole way.  I am hoping we are getting some of this rain.  We are in extreme draught right now and need it.  All of my plants have bit the dust.

Friday, July 20th

I-24 and thunderheads are looming.  The Cumberland Plateau just outside of Monteagle is one of my least favorite stretches of highway.  I do not like the runaway truck ramps.  Nickajack Lake is so beautiful....even today with all the gray sky.  With all these clouds we did not get a drop of rain.  Rock Mills had had no rain while we were gone.  Great.  After we got home the rains came....slowly and sporadically....but came none-the-less.

Saturday, July 21st

There were 16 listings for yard sales in the Roanoke area today.  This is a rural area so nothing is close by.  We hit all the ones in the city area and came up blank so we headed out into the country down County Rd 87 and hit the mother lode.  Our first yard sale was a multi-family and their kittens were not ready to give up their stuff.  We found three in the purse boxes and I thought they were precious.  They told us of more within a two mile area and we headed on down the country road.  We passed so many barns I have yet to photograph, yet I did catch one.  Across the street from one yard sale was another one.  I got a lazy susan for my dining room table that is just the perfect size.  I also bought some other knick knacky things.  It was fun.  We headed to the house and Frank worked in his shop the rest of the afternoon.  We went to LaGrange for dinner, to go to Walmart, and to go to Home Depot.  I bought some plants, brought them home, and potted them.  I finished up around 9:30....but those pictures will be for next week.  I didn't take them until this morning.  Have a great week and I will see you here again on the 29th..


  1. The white hibiscus is gorgeous!
    I love it when you call a company and they send you something better!

  2. those flowers are beautiful!

    Isn't it refreshing when you get good customer service?!!! love that!

  3. great shots...would have loved to go to all those garage sales!

  4. we were in Alabama all day was very cloudy but we only got in one rain storm

    great shots!

  5. You have been very busy. Love the flowers and way to go on the new griddle. So nice of them. Did I miss something on that closet shot?

  6. I love a good yard sale. I have a whole corner of my house pilled high with stuff just waiting for my next yard sale. I think I may have it in the fall!

    Great week!

  7. I love a good yard sale. I have a whole corner of my house pilled high with stuff just waiting for my next yard sale. I think I may have it in the fall!

    Great week!

  8. Summer fun!
    About to end :-(
    Many lovely pics!

  9. You sure are staying busy this summer! Looks like a good week filled with fun activities.

    Glad you're getting some rain, too. Sounds like a good part of the U.S. is parched.

  10. I have a new, baby Hibiscus plant; it only had 3 blooms this year. I'm hoping next summer it has more...You've had a busy week and I enjoyed getting to follow along through the photos.

  11. What a busy week! Love the flowers & yay on the new griddle. Sounds like a great trip to Chattanooga too.

  12. Wow, busy busy!
    Beautiful flowers!


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