
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What Are You Watching These Days?

I have grown tired of television.  I can't wait for the Olympics.  Every channel you turn on is nothiing but reruns( you can only watch NCIS reruns so many times) or shows that weren't that good to begin with.....well....I have discovered that I have some unusual and crazy television tastes.  Last year I became addicted to Storage Wars.  There was something about hearing one of the main players yelling, "Yea....up!"  I went from that show to Deadliest Catch....mainly to hear the intro song by Bon Jovi, "Dead or Alive."  Then I found Pawn Stars, Cajun Pawn Stars, American Pickers, American Restoration, Duck Dynasty, and (hangs head in shame) Swamp People.  I love the hear the cajun voice of Troy and see Homa Indian character R.J. and his son Jay Paul.  Out of all the hundreds of television channels I have with my Direct TV.....I watch 2 maybe 3 channels.  The main reason I enjoy these shows is that you really don't have to watch can multi-task easily with them on.  The other night I decided to watch other channels....and thought I had found my favorite movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".....nope, what I had found was "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding."  Did you know there were gypsies in America?  I did not!  I have seen them in Europe....even had one try to pick my pocket in the Piazza in Venice.....but had no clue.  I thought I was up on American culture.....obviously I am not. I sat spellbound for a solid hour and watched as the events and drama of the gypsy wedding unfolded.  I was amazed with a capital A.  I mean, come on...the gypsy stories I heard as a child said they were in England, Ireland, Europe....nowhere do I remember U.S.A. being a choice.  But here they all over the U.S., but to name a few places, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina and West Virginia. Their lives are all about tradition, and they keep their families closely guarded to prevent gypsy culture from being forgotten. You'll find American gypsies in campers, trailers and homes. They may work in the same office as you or shop in the same grocery store. What I gathered from the show is that there are girls barely 14 years old already on the hunt for a husband. Families planning holiday dinners for hundreds of cousins. Women dropping thousands of dollars on the shortest, sheerest, most blinged-out dresses you've ever seen. There was even a designer who caters to Rom weddings and knows exactly what they are looking for when they come looking for the dress.  So, I have become a Discovery Channel junkie.  It has been an eye opening experience.  Hi!  My name is Karen and I am a reality television junkie it appears.   sigh!  Maybe my tastes will change again when the fall lineup comes out.


  1. We are huge History Channel folks too. I was absolutely fascinated with the mini series they did a few weeks ago on the Hatfields & McCoys. It was great!

    But I have about given up on network television...


  2. I am totally hooked on "Sister Wives".
    Can't figure out why this fascinates me, but it simply does.
    I have no taste.


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