
Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Here

It’s a FiveMinuteFriday free write flash mob!  Ok, so you ask...what is that?  It is where a beautiful crowd spends five minutes all writing on the same topic and then sharing them. Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here at Lisa-Jo's blog. And every week Lisa-Jo picks a post that catches her eye and shares it down there in her side bar – look for the spot that   says “Featured Five Minute Friday."  I started a few weeks ago when I found I was having some mild writers block and have loved it.  Ok, it is time to get busy with today's topic:  Here.


Here I am sitting on my couch writing about whatever comes to my mind dealing with the word here.  I am thankful to God this morning that I am here, because it certainly beats the alternative.  Here is where I want to be, sitting in my living room, in my house, in the coolness of the morning, enjoying a cup of coffee, and the sound of my husband sitting at his desk tapping away at the keys.  Here for me is just one weekend away from going back to the classroom.  I begin working again on Wednesday and then on Friday I won't be here because I will be in West Palm Beach, Florida attending my 40 year class reunion.  I never dreamed I would make it to here.  I always felt I would die young but here I am at 58 and still going strong with a few medical issues.  I am glad I made it here.  Here is my favorite place to be right now.  I love living in the rural south and in Rock Mills, AL.  It is a wonderful place here and I am so glad I get to be part of it.  Here is where I am and here is where I want to least for now.

Today was a tough topic....but I managed to write for five minutes without blanking.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Hi! I found today's prompt hard, too! But as writers, we always manage to have something to say! I am a homeschooler but I always admire school teachers with the abilities to handle entire classrooms of kids and their parents and administration. God bless you for being faithful to that call. But I agree, here is great! At home, where the familiar and known resides. Thanks for sharing your talent with us this Friday.

  2. I love how you said, "Here is where I am and here is where I want to least for now."

    Being content, and even joyful about where we are is a gift!

  3. I'm visiting from Five Minute Friday and glad to 'meet you'. I too am headed back to school but we start on Monday. How fun to go to your 40th reunion. I didn't get to go to mine. Enjoy being where you are now.

    Blessings and love,


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