
Friday, August 24, 2012

Joining Five Minute Friday

It is Friday....the end of my first week back at school with kids and time for Lisa-Jo's Five Minute Friday meme.  It is an easy thing to do you just:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking on the topic she gives you.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

I promise you will love reading what everyone writes about.  It is a great way to help writer's block...which is the reason I joined.  I needed some brainstorming accountability.

OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::
(These are my cousins who came from near and far to join with my dad at his 80th birthday party)
Over the years I have joined things.  I like being a part of as an adult.  When I was a teenager I was not so much a joiner.  I was a loner.  I was a member of my church choirs and that was about it.  Now, as an adult I find that joining in can be fun.  I joined facebook because my daughter told me it was something I needed to do.  I am glad I did because many of my high school classmates were also joining and it was a good way to connect with them and see what has been going on in their lives since 1972.  I joined two National Honor Societies in college because I earned the right to join them.  I loved being a part of them and wearing the gold tassles when I graduated.  I joined a teachers sorority when I was in my third year of teaching and loved that for a while.  It was a great way to get with fellow educators and discuss teaching topics.  I went from there to joining the AEA (alabama Education Association) where I became very active and have held several officers.  I joined a church because I love being part of the family of God and in God's house and I love having one I call home.  But, as much as I love joining groups there is another kind of joining I love even more.  I love joining hands with my family as we say the grace before a meal.  I love the feel of hands interlocked (joined).  I love joining my family to celebrate monumental occassions and holidays.  I love joining the faculty, community, fans at BRHS football games and yelling my boys on to victory.  Joining....gathering together of more than one.  Won't you join in with us today?  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Each of your "joins" brought back memories of the same things I've experienced. Blessings!

  2. I love that God has created us for community and when we join together whether it's in an actual group or just in spirit, we complete something God intended, fellowship with each other. Loved your words and the picture of community it brings to mind. Thanks.

  3. I love that God has created us for community and when we join together whether it's in an actual group or just in spirit, we complete something God intended, fellowship with each other. Loved your words and the picture of community it brings to mind. Thanks.

  4. I love that God has created us for community and when we join together whether it's in an actual group or just in spirit, we complete something God intended, fellowship with each other. Loved your words and the picture of community it brings to mind. Thanks.

  5. I love that God has created us for community and when we join together whether it's in an actual group or just in spirit, we complete something God intended, fellowship with each other. Loved your words and the picture of community it brings to mind. Thanks.

  6. I love that God has created us for community and when we join together whether it's in an actual group or just in spirit, we complete something God intended, fellowship with each other. Loved your words and the picture of community it brings to mind. Thanks.

  7. What a sweet post and such a great way to share so much about yourself in such a short time. Thank you for that.

  8. The joining of hands....YES! Oh, that is my most favorite, too.

    Look how much I know your heart in just five minutes time! It was a great write, Karen. So blessed by you today. Thank you!

    All for Him with hugs to you,

  9. I love how you brought the essay around the the things feel close to your family. It was perfect.


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