
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Project 365 - Week 31

Well this is my last complete free week.  I go back to work on Wednesday.  Since the kids can't start before August 20th we are doing all of our inservices and professional development on the front side of that.  I am cheating a bit because I will be off Thursday and Friday so I can attend my 40 year class reunion next weekend.  I can't believe I have been out of high school for 40 years.  It seems like yesterday I was walking the hallowed halls of Forest Hill High School.  I have had a busy week trying to get everything caught up before I go back.  Sigh!  After you finish looking at my week head over to Sara's blog and see everyone elses.

Here is my week:

Sunday, July 29th
I got this cute little McCoy planter from our neighbors.  I am thinking about putting a single sunflower in it since I have that sunflower recipe box to the right.  It is too tiny for a live plant to make it and I really don't have any yellow in my apple kitchen....but I do love the little fellow and want to do something with him.  Excuse my messy recipe books.  I was searching for a recipe to do for tonight.  We have Fifth Sunday service tonight and our church is hosting it. 

Monday, July 30th

Today I was in Auburn from 8 tl 5+ attending an AEA Uniserve 19 Leadership Training Seminar.  The seminar was very informative and helpful but lasted forever.   It was a long day and afterwards I met the rest of the gang(Beth, Ron, Renee and Frank) at Olive Garden in Opelika at Tiger Town for dinner.  What a great way to end a day.

Tuesday, July 31st
We took Tyler to Leeds to the Bass Pro Shop there today.  Tyler is one of our youth at church and a real sweetie.  When we walked in we were greeted by this 111 pound catfish. It was amazing.  I did not think to bring in my camera....I will next time because there are a lot of photo ops in this place so we grabbed this shot with Frank's cell phone (mine was in the car charging).  Today was also my dear friend, Jo's birthday.  I hope she had a good one.  She was unavailable for the day so I will have to catch up with her later and give her the gift I made for her. You saw it on last weeks Project 365.

Wednesday, August 1st

Today was a bad day.  I had extensive dental work done and felt like rip all day.  It was tough but I know in the end it will pay off.  I did manage to grab a couple of shots in Mrs. Betty Jeans yard.  I wish you could really grasp the size of the red hibiscus.  It is as big as a dinner plate....seriously!

Thursday, August 2nd
I am transfering doctors today so I had a new patient visit this morning and then we went to LaGrange to check on Mrs. Jane.  She was in ICU when we were there but later in the day transfered out onto the floor. On our way home we were stopped by a ginormous train (it had four engines on the front).  I did not think it would ever get by.

Friday, Augusst 3rd

We found a shelf for my cast iron and pots and pans.  My cousin Amanda has one and I have been looking for one forever.  I wanted one a bit smaller than hers....and thought this was it but it too was about 2 inches longer than I needed it so we put it in a different place.  I love it.  My precious hubs, Frank, set me up a corner in his shop for my new business venture....Karen's Korner(original huh?).  I will be making silverware windchimes with beads, modge podged items, jewelry and right now I have a mailbox to paint with a lighthouse scene.  It is a great way to spend time together....Frank will work on his scroll saw art and I will work on my stuff.  I have numerous Pinterest projects to complete before I pin any more to my boards.  I love Pinterest.

Saturday, August 4th

Frank has been very busy with his scroll saw art.  I love to see each piece when he finishes them.  He has so much patience....something I lack.  I had to share a few of his finished products with you.  We made a brochure for him this evening and he does western things, civil war, military, religious, ornaments, and the list goes one.  I think he does awesome work.  Can you tell I am just a wee bit proud of him?


  1. Sorry about the dental work. I have an appointment at the end of this month & I'm expecting that I'll need to get a filling. Hope it's nothing worse than that!

    I would really like to see Mrs. Betty Jean's yard in person someday :) And yes, Frank's work is really great!

  2. first, your link on my blog links back to ME!!! :)

    dental work is the worst. Praying it all went well and it's over!!!

    the flowers are beautiful! we have NO flowers right now..they are all burned up!!! :(

  3. Yeah, I had to go back to last week's links to get to your blog 'cause this week it links back to Sara's.

    Frank does lovely work! No wonder you're proud of him :) Looks like you'll be having fun too, and I love that you can work together but on separate projects.

    Have a great week and fun at the reunion!


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