
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Project 365 - Week 34

I hate to admit it but I think most of the pictures I took this week were with the camera on my phone.  I am enjoying photo stream.  I wish I had had the time to really get out and shoot Dr. M kinds of pictures this week....but the first few weeks of school truly whip me and it was all I could do to get these shots.  It seemed like everything was this rest for the weary.  I hope you will hop over to Sara's place and check out all the other photographers offerings.  You will be truly amazed at some of the gorgeous shots from all over the world. this is my week in pictures.

Sunday, August 19th

Shower number one was this weekend. My cousin, Ferris is getting married September 15th in Savannah.  I was not invited to the wedding....but was invited to the shower.  This is Kat's present.  She could not attend the shower so I took both of our gifts.  My gift was a holiday serving plate.  The shower was decorated in brown and teal with peacock feathers as the center of attraction.  Ferris's sister Emilly did a wonderful decorating job.  The bride got loads of awesome gifts.  Headed home to get ready for Monday....and students.
Monday, August 20th
Gloria and Billy Ray, some of the Rock Mills porch people,  bought an ugly old painted mailbox at an auction back in the spring.  I shot my mouth off and told her I would paint it for her.  So....Monday night I began project destress.  I went out to my korner of the shop and began painting the mailbox.  This is the beginning of the project.  I will have to take a shot of the final project.  I free hand paint....and paint what I see.  FYI...the right side will have a rock and huge red lighthouse on it and the palm tree will have fronds and leaves.  I promise it will look better.  Now that I see this I HOPE it looks better.  I worked in the shop until nearly nine and was so relaxed when I went in for the evening.
Tuesday, August 21st
Another day of school down and back out to my korner to work on the mailbox.  Frank was working on Derby South frames for the traveling team.  He is nearly finished.  I thought I would let you see some of the process of this.  They really are pretty frames.  I wish I had had something like this back in my softball playing days. 
Wednesday, August 22nd
After school today I ran by Cloud Nine to pick out a gift for shower number three, which is Sunday.  I loved this cross and it was something the bride-to-be had registered for.  I had to have it.  After paying for my gift and heading to Roanoke I stopped at Clark Brothers to get the brunswick stew I was going to have to have for shower number two on Saturday.  It is going to be a first for me....a couples baby shower dinner.  I can't wait to experience this.  I know it will have to be fun.  Anything that involves ribs, brisket, and all the trimmings has to be fun.
Thursday, August 23rd
I downloaded Instagram to my Iphone while Frank and I were in Auburn having Endless Shrimp at Red least Frank was having Endless Shrimp.  I took a rather blurry picture to try it out and then played with some of the things you can do to the picture.  I thought I would stop while I was ahead and I really did capture the true essence of Frank.  He was cutting up with our waitress.  This is our last free Thursday night....we start the bowling  process next week.  Sigh!
Friday, August 24th
Shower number two is tomorrow and tonight we finished decorating for it.  I went ahead and wrapped my gifts.  The tallest box is an airplane light fixture.  The bag gift is a precious airplane bank from Pottery Barn Kids.  If you can't guess the room is decorated with airplanes.  The baby's name is going to be Jett.  I love it!
Saturday, August 25th


Shower number two.  The top picture is the dad, mom, and Jamma to be.  Marcie said her eyes were closed but I told her they weren't.  I was wrong.  The gift table was gorgeous and this was just a small sampling of the gifts she got.  I love the vintage bi-plane rocker.  The ladies of our church and community really know how to throw a party.  It was great fun and the men were so funny because this was their very first baby shower.  Loved it.  Hope your week was a good one and I will see you here again Labor Day weekend.


  1. What a lot of fun! I especially like that picture of the mom-to-be with the train on her belly - what a cool idea!

    P.S. I think we're going to have a moon picture for every day of the week next week. Ha!

  2. Showers are so much fun. You did a great job on the mailbox.


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