
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The 3-Minute Difference

About the Book:  Are you overweight. broke, or headed for divorce?  Even one of these problems can be personally devastating. But what if you are facing all three at once?  Wayne Nance in his book The 3-Minute Difference shares his personal journey and solution that can alter your health, money, and relationships in just three minutes. "AT age twenty-nine, Nance weighed in at 305 pounds, smoked incessantly, had credit card debt to the tune of 40K, and was headed for divorce court."  Nance offers five insightful steps for ALTERing your attitude;.  These five steps can be applied to any area of your life that you find out of control.  A = Awareness.  The concept is to become aware of your attitude - what drives your beliefs and behavior.  L = Leanr. It is essential that we know all we can about what makes us tick and how it affects our life choices.  T = Tactical Plan.l  Realize that one size never fits all and customize to fit you.  E = Execute the Plan.  Execute and work on a daily plan for 91 days...don't talk about it, stop talking about it, and just walk the walk.  R = Re-evaluate.  Every 91 days re-evaluate your progress and adjust your goals and continue on your life journey. This book is a valuable tool to help achieve our live goals and correct destructive life patterns.

About the Author:  Wayne E. Nance, the "Real Life Attitude Guy' is the well=known developer of the ABC's of getting your life under control.  He is the founder and CEO of Real Life Managemet, Inc.  He is a highly respected speaker, trainer and author.  He lives in Texas with his wife, Shannon, and their three daughters.  Want to know more then check out his website by clicking here.

My Thoughts On The Book:  When I began the book I was an overweight, diabetic, and in debt to the tune of 10,000.00.  I had been through various seminar sessions on how to get out of debt, how to lose weight, how to manage my diabetes and everytime some form of success happened some form of stress would take away the triumph and I would find myself back where I was.  I am going to try Mr. Nance's theory out for 91 days....I mean it sounds so good and what have I got to lose.,..except the weight, the debt, and out of control diabetes.  It sounds like a win-win situation to me.  This book is a must read for anyone who struggles with any aspect of their life.
Disclaimer:  I received this book to review from the B & B Media Group Inc Blog Tour.  They did not pay me for my review I gave an honest review in exchange for the chance to read The 3-Minute Difference.

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