
Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Giant Rug Sale

Every year Milliken in LaGrange, GA has a giant rug sale.  They use the money raised for United Way and several other charitable things they contribute to.  You can get broadloom rolls, carpet squares, and area rugs for great prices.  I have been now to three of these amazing events and not come home empty handed ever.  I love rugs.
Today's sale was no different.  We got up and went early so as to not miss the good stuff.  It was like the amazing race.  Everyone was lined up at the edge of the parking lot....ready for the workers to say go.
 I spotted one I thought would be perfect for my dining room....which was the reason I was here.  The workers said, "Go" and I was off.  I put my hand on the one I thought I wanted and Frank measured it for me.  It was perfect.  We picked it up and carried it with us.  I then found a wonderful world map one with flags of the countries around the border and we grabbed it too.  Frank found a cute Public Enemy door rug and that completed our business.  We were done in less than 30 minutes.
  In another parking lot they had carpet squares but we did not need any of those.  And in another location they had the broadloom stuff.  Our friend, Renee, bought one of those.  It took her whole truck and then some.  13.5 feet on the back of a small truck is a lot of rug. 
We left the sale and went to IHOP for breakfast.  I had banana bread french toast and it was good.  After breakfast we went to the Sock Shop so I could get another pink t-shirt for a project I am working on.  We got the rug down in my dining room and left my classroom rug in the car....I will get some boys to bring it in on Monday so I can put it in the center of my classroom.  I can't wait.  After we did the bulletin for church we went to visit with Amanda for a bit.  Both of us have been sick all week.  Once we got home we were in for the rest of the day.  I feel terrible and wish I could shake this cold/allergy/sinus thing I have going on.


  1. Ooh these are so pretty! Love the one you got for your dining room, but the one for your classroom is so much fun. It's my favorite :)

    Hope you feel better soon. I've been waking up in the mornings with a REALLY bad sinus headache. Fortunately it goes away with some ibuprofen & caffeine, but I'm pretty miserable for the first hour of the day.

  2. That sounds like so much fun. I love the rug under your dining room table.....beautiful!

  3. "These giants rugs is spectacular not only with its designs but for its inspired concepts! Thanks for sharing!


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