
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hodge Podge Vol 93

Welcome to the 93rd edition of the Wednesday glad you joined the party today! Add your link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here and be sure to visit some of the others who have linked up. Here are my answers-what would yours be????

1. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? The NFL is back in action along with all the college teams. Are you a fan? Who do you root for? If you're not a fan what do you do while the rest of America watches Saturday, Sunday, Monday night, and now Thursday night games?
I'm definitely not ready for some football. It's one of the many things I loathe about fall. I hate all the bad mouthing that goes on on Facebook, I hate that you have to choose someone to win and another to lose.  I guess if I had to pick a would be the Handley High School Tigers and the Benjamin Russell Wildcats.  That is about the best I can do.  I get a lot of crafting and reading done in the fall while Frank watches football and on Monday night if I want to watch something else I can do it in the bedroom.  It is also a good time to take a nap.
2. What's something I'll always find in your closet?
blue jeans and shoes (lots of them....if you don't believe me....ask Frank).3. Share one of your earliest memories.
I remember my first day of first grade.  We were all in our room....except for one little girl.  Her mother arrived late with her and the little girl was crying.  While the mom tried to push her in the room, the teacher tried to pull her in the room, the little girl cried louder and louder and was lodged in the door frame.  By the time the two adult women gave up trying and decided to let her go home and come again tomorrow....the entire group of little first graders already in the room were crying.  This went on for a week...every day.  Finally, the little girl walked in...waved goodbye to her mom, and everything went as planned.
4. What circus act best describes your week so far?
Definitely a juggling act.  I have been juggling responsibilities with meetings and school and planning and I have to admit...if I truly were a juggler....I would have been fired already.
5. What's a food you disliked as a child that you love now?
Turnip greens and sweet potatoes.  I despised them as a child.  Since I have was so sick back in May they have become my new best friends.  Love them, Love them, love them.
6. Describe your summer in three words.
travel, togetherness, tough7. Where were you on September 11, 2001? Will you do anything special to mark the day?
I was working as a teacher at the school I still work for on 9-11.  I had gotten to school early and was eating my breakfast at my desk when the nightmare began.  I sat there and cried.  We watched the news in my class all day long and discussed what freedom was and how it had definitely changed in the blink of an eye. I remember one student walking in my room, sighing, and saying, "Great we are watching that mess in here too?'  I told her, 'yes we were and she better pay attention because life as she knew it yesterday morning was over."  I think she graped the concept at that moment.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I just finished reading and reviewing Cathy Gohlke's book, Band of Sisters.  It is about the trials and tribulations of immigrants passing through Ellis Island and being absorbed in New York. How many of you know where your family came from?  Do you know what they went through to get here?  This story is a heart wrenching one.  I felt strangely drawn to it because my family came here from least part of them....the other part was already here....they are Creek and Cherokee.


  1. It's funny how all of our memories of 9/11 are so vivid...a day we'll never forget. I cannot stand turnip greens...BLECH!

  2. Thanks for the book review. It sounds interesting! Keep in mind that much of the football "smack" talk is all in fun! It's much lighter than the political talk out there... now, that talk is scary!!

  3. Hubs and I want to go over to Ellis Island this fall. I haven't been since I was young and its definitely on my list of things to see while we're here.


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