
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hodge Podge - Vol 95

It is that time of week again.  I look forward to Wednesday's and Hodge Podge.  Our hostess Joyce always comes up with some rather thought provoking and random questions.  Here are her questions for this week's Hodgepodge and my answers to said questions.  Want to join in?  Hop over to Joyce's blog and follow along.  It is a lot of fun.

1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge this week falls on John Chapman's birth date. He's more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple?   I LOVE apples.  To pick a favorite would be hard.  I love Galas, Braeburns, Granny Smiths, Romes, McIntosh.  I love crunchy with a hint of tartness apples.

2. When did you last say 'ick'? This morning at 8 a.m. when I sampled a Korean chippy type thing that was shrimp flavored.  I love shrimp....not at 8 in the morning....."ICK!"

3. Do you think there's a generation gap? Explain.  When I ask one of my students who the Beatles are....and they ask what kind....they are talking about bugs...I am talking about singers.  There I see a generation gap.  When my 30 year old daughter could sing Scarlet Ribbons, by Wayne Newton, and every single word to "Baby Love" by the Supremes....I don't see a gap.  Political, religious, child rearing....I see a huge gap.  I am a baby boomer.  I know what Vietnam was....and how the vets were treated when they came home.  I lived through the Cuban Missle Crisis, the Cold War, the first astronaut to go up....the first one to walk on the moon, when music was music....not someone screaming at you about bad things.  I teach high school and it used to make me not see a generation gap....I am 2 years away from 60 now....and I feel the generation gap widening.

4. What's on your computer screen saver? Do you leave it alone or change it often?  Usually it is a picture I took during a Project 365 activity.  I do change them often.  More often than not is a flower from Mrs. Betty Jean or Mrs. Shirley's yard, a road less traveled, of a memory of something special.  This week it has been an old picture of my friend Mary and I.  I have been missing her a lot lately.

5. If you had the attention of the entire world for two minutes, what would you say?  I would quote my favorite verses:  John 3:16 - "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life."   Philipians 4:13 - "I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength." 23rd Psalm,  Psalm 150 - "Praise the LordPraise God in his sanctuary!  Praise God in his fortress, the sky!  2 Praise God in his mighty acts!  Praise God as suits his incredible greatness!  3 Praise God with the blast of the ram’s horn!  Praise God with lute and lyre!  4 Praise God with drum and dance!  Praise God with strings and pipe!  5 Praise God with loud cymbals!  Praise God with clashing cymbals!  6 Let every living thing praise the LordPraise the Lord!  I talk I could probably get all this in in 2 minutes or less.

6. Four fashion trends to try this fall are-brocade/jacquard (fancy printed fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four would you be most likely to wear?  I would definitely be all over the lace and brocade look.  I love lace and I love brocade....both for feel and look.  I am not big in peplums.  If you have a hint of heaviness in the waist and hip area....they are not for you.
7. What can make your bad day better?  Frank or Kat, music, Psalms 150, good friends, prayer, Hwy 22 prayers with spiritual music, singing, Still Magnolias, Bobby's guitar lessons, a road trip, flowers in one of our church members gardens, sitting on Marcie's porch can all change my mood and day.  I am easy....I am fortunate to be able to turn a bad day around in many ways.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Psalm 46:10a is my one of the two verses I go to when I am in unrest.  It says, "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;"  The thing that catches my attention is the BE STILL.  When I am antsy it settles me right down.  My second is Psalm 150 which is my go to for music and praise, "Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise God in his fortress, the sky! 2 Praise God in his mighty acts! Praise God as suits his incredible greatness! 3 Praise God with the blast of the ram’s horn! Praise God with lute and lyre! 4 Praise God with drum and dance! Praise God with strings and pipe! 5 Praise God with loud cymbals! Praise God with clashing cymbals! 6 Let every living thing praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! .  Do you have a bible verse that is yours?  Want to share it with me in a comment.  I love it when people are not afraid to share their words.


  1. I love imagining you quoting scriptures as fast as you can go during your two minutes of world-attention. If only that could really happen!

  2. My verse this year is...

    " this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lam 3:21-23

  3. I love crunchy and tart also when it comes to apples. Hard to believe that they don't know about the Beatles! Enjoy the rest of your week.


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