
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Project 365 - Week 38

What a week I had.  Another busy one....but I have to admit I love being so busy.  Want to see some really wonderful shots of Tucson then hop over to Sara's and check out her photos.  While you are there check out everyone else's pictures and learn their stories for the week.  Here is mine: 
Sunday, September 16th
Frank is getting ready for his sermon this morning.  He is deep in thought as he makes last minute preparations for what he will be speaking on today.  I love to watch him when he is in sermon prep mode.
Monday, September 17th
I read nine blogs this morning at the beginning of my planning period while I drank my cup of coffee.  I hate these verification things and of the nine blogs I read before I could respond to eight of them I had to do this.  It really drives me nuts to have to figure out what letters they have slammed together for me to figure out.  If I did not respond to you last week and you have this on your blog post then please understand why.  It took me five tries to get it right on the last blog I read.  I was persistant...and it drove me up the wall.  Nuff said.

Tuesday, September 18th
My first block students were doing presentations today on Argentina.  This group had the Tango and Lunfardo as their topic.  I thought instead of giving them my notes on Argentina they could give their classmates notes on the country.  I was impressed with how well they did.  This group also had a video clip of the Tango and it was very good. 
Wednesday, September 19th
I borrowed this idea from an Elementary teacher friend of mine.  She uses this to teach time to her young ones and I thought i would try it out on my older ones.  They made clocks and then I taught them time using these clocks.  I think it was a pretty neat idea and the kids loved making their own clocks to use. 
Thursday, September 20th
Today I was playing with sunlight and shadows on the statue Frank made for me.
Friday, September 21st
I love to take pictures of vanity car tags....because I can. 
Saturday, September 22nd
Amanda's son, David, has taken a church in Birmingham.  He graduated from seminary in May.  He and his sweet little family have been living in Louisville for the past 5 years.  It is a long way to go for a visit.  We are delighted that they are so much closer now.  We will be able to see them...and their precious three little boys more often.  Wheeler, their oldest son, calls this his red house in the woods.  I love it.  We went to B'ham yesterday and helped unbox stuff. This is an amazing house and after having lived in a teeniny two bedroom apartment up a bazillion steps this is a dream come true.  Suzanna is delighted.  Have a wonderful week and I will see you this time next week.  We have Homecoming this week and it will be crazy....good thing....we get out at 1 on Friday.....WOOO HOOOO!


  1. oh my word...don't get me started on those word verifications!!! I would really like to know what their purpose is anyway!! ugh!

    Sunday mornings finds my husband in the same position as yours! :)

  2. Oh I am not very fond of those word verification things either. Ever since they switched to the new system I don't leave as many comments as I used to. I also took it off of my blog because I didn't want it to be too difficult for others.

  3. Because I can....I love it! It must be wonderful to be blessed with the ability to write sermons. Don't get me started on word verification, I was just getting that set up for Wednesday Hodgepodge's random question!

  4. Great week!

    I totally agree with you! I hate those blog verification. I am fairly certain I have mine turned off, but if it is on let me know and I will turn it off!


  5. I always used toy clocks to pass around and practice "¿Qué hora es?" but never had them make their own. Cool idea.
    Would have enjoyed hearing the Argentina reports ;-)
    Love the wooden teacher thing Frank made!

  6. I like Because I Can - that's pretty clever. I wonder what I would use for a vanity tag if we wanted to spend the extra $ for it. I used to have OPUSLUST because I love the Bloom County comic - ha!

    Word verification makes me crazy too - but I'm VERY persistent. I might be saying some ugly things in my head, but I'll get that doggone comment posted!


Leave me some blogger love with your comments.