
Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Face of a Friend

What does the face of a friend look like?  I am fortunate to have several friends in my life.  so I thought to day I would tell you about my friends, Dr. Seuss style.
I have good friends, new friends, old friends and some blue friends.
I have far friends, near friends, school friends, dear friends.
I can see some everyday, I can see some on vacays
I can work with them at school, and we can act just like a fool.
I have friends that are related, I have friends I wish I'd dated
I like sitting on their porches, in their chairs, their swings, their couches.
I love looking for good deals, I love when their laughter peals.
They may wear some weirdo shoes, skinny jeans, or shades of blues.
When I look into their eyes, I see truth and never lies.
I am sad to see one cry, and I hate to say goodbye
I love to hold them tight, and I hug with all my might.
They are short and they are tall, some are fluffy, some are small
No matter how you see my friends, I will love them til life ends.
They have my back, they make me smile, they always walk that extra mile.
If I ever were in jail, they'd be the ones who paid my bail.
When my life is torn apart, they can mend my broken heart.
They know my story in and out, and are still my friends without a doubt.
So tell me now or do you know....the face of a friend.....with a friendship glow?
You have to be a good friend to have one.  Trust me, it is worth the effort.  I truly am blessed with the good friends I have in my life.    I hope you all have friends like these too.  If you don't....then you need to get out and get you some.










  1. I'll post your bail! :). Love you, dear friend!

  2. What a sweet post. I just saw a very dear friend while in Chicago.
    I can't wait to post about it!


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