
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Three M Kinda Day: Marcie Has Eyes, Mishap For Me, and Meeting Little Miss Amelia

Marcie's eyes never show up in pictures so I grabbed a shot of she and Lyndi.  She is really trying hard to keep her eyes open for me.  I think she looks too cute.  There is so much mischief in her eyes....this is one of my favorite things about her.  She has such expressive eyes.

My Mishap took place as we left the motel to go to Destin.  I tripped on a speed bump....well didn't actually ankle turned...and I fell....face straight on the concrete in the parking deck. My glasses and packages all went sailing.  The ear piece on my glasses was bent knee was skinned up pretty good, and I am headed for a shiner where my face hit the cement.  This is the Rock Mills second falling event.  Paulette fell yesterday, had to go to the Doc in a Box and her right leg is skinned...and her ribs bruised.  Less than 15 minutes we after she told us what happened to her....yesterday.....BAM....Karen was on the ground.  We stopped at a CVS enroute to Destin and got some first aid supplies. 

Meeting Miss Amelia:  We met Frank's daughter Amy, and her daughter, Amelia at Starbucks at Destin Commons....the real one.  We actually stopped at the Starbucks for the outlet mall...wrong one.  Amy and Amelia were waiting for us four miles down the road.  We hopped in the car and went to the right place.  This was a special day.  This was the first time we have ever seen Amelia....our granddaughter.  She will be a year old in July. She is precious.  It took her a bit to warm up to Frank....she liked him...and would smile and giggle at my arms...or in Amy's.  Finally she decided he was ok and I grabbed a couple of quick shots of them together.  She is every bit as pretty as her mom. 

Amy and Amelia.  Two of the most beautiful girls in our lives.  Amy is a red head with creamy skin, and long gorgeous hands.  It was great spending time with them both. 
 Three generations:  Frank, Amy, and Amelia - Starbucks at Destin Commons, May 28th, 2013.  We headed back to our hotel.  The gang is eating tonight as a group at Capt. Jack's.  This has been an interesting day for sure. 

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