
Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Brave

I love Five Minute Friday.  I love the word prompt.  I love just free thinking for a set amount of time.  It really opens up my mind up and things just start flowing.  You can participate too if you would like. The rules are simple you just simply:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link up here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!

OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::



I am not brave by definition.  I have fears and sometimes they rule what I do.  My father was injured in a motorcycle accident when he was in his late teens and after having watched him struggle with his arthritic ankle I feared motorcycles.  I finally rode with Amanda's husband Randy in 2010 after my Aunt Shirley died.  Randy was so calming and sitting there holding him, feeling his body heat and the heat of the sun I honestly almost went to sleep.  Now...that is brave.  One of my favorite singers, Jana Stanfield had a song out called "If I Were Brave."  I always felt that the lyrics of this song were talking to me.....just to me. 

Jana Stanfield/Jimmy Scott

What would I do if I knew that I could not fail
If I believed would the wind always fill up my sail
How far would I go, what could I achieve /Trusting the hero in me

(Chorus) If I were brave I’d walk the razor’s edge
Where fools and dreamers dare to tread
Never lose faith, even when losing my way
What step would I take today if I were brave

(Channel) What would I do today if I were brave (4 times)

What if we’re all meant to do what we secretly dream
What would you ask if you knew you could have anything
Like the mighty oak sleeps in the heart of a seed
Are there miracles in you and me

(Repeat Chorus and Channel)

(Bridge) If I refuse to listen to the voice of fear
Would the voice of courage whisper in my ear...Chorus and out.

Sometimes I wonder....just what steps would I take if I were brave.  Would I do things differently.  Would I walk against the wind.  Sometimes....I wish I were brave.  How about you?


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