
Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Song

I can take a deep breath. I made it. It’s Friday.  One more week of school.  Graduation is May 24th.  I am so glad to have Five Minute Friday to chill to this morning.  Thank you Lisa-Jo for letting me have a place to freewrite/brainstorm/write/release.

Got five minutes? Let’s write. Let’s write in shades of real and brave and unscripted.
Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.

“Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.” ~E. B. White
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back
here and invite others to join in.
Be generous and leave an encouraging comment for the person who linked up before you. That’s the best part about this community.
And if you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave your five minutes of writing as a comment. And we’ll love on you there.
Today’s prompt is one of my favorite words:



I am a writer, singer, listener, and lover of songs.  Songs can lift me up (Testify to Love and Wagon Wheel I will rock on during my hour drive home each day), songs can make me cry (Walking Her Home, It Is Well, and Take My Hand Precious Lord - because they remind me of my parents) (Roads, In My Daughter's Eyes, and You Raise Me Up - because they are so powerful and just overcome me),  they can make me laugh (455 Rocket reminds me of Amanda's speedy driving....and makes me laugh.  Mighty Quinn - Kat and I call each other so we can share that song when it comes on.  I will miss that when she moves to Moldova in January).  Songs fill my heart at church sometimes and speak to me more than the message does.  I love singing songs.  Sometimes on my way to and from work I will pump up the volume and belt out songs all the way there.  It makes the drive go by so much faster.  On warm afternoons coming home I will roll down all my windows, pump up the volume, and sing to my hearts content.  When Amanda and I sit down and work on songs my heart is light.  There is nothing like the melodious harmony she shares with me.  Our hearts seem to just bust out of us and go soaring into the sky when we least that is how it feels to me.  I love working on new songs with her, writing new songs with her, pulling out some good oldies and belting them out.  I love when we sing our songs with other people.....but you know...with Amanda....I could sing with just her and be happy.  She is the harmony to my song.  Harmony is my favorite part of a song.  I would rather sing that than lead any day.  Amanda has a powerful lead voice and it is so exciting to push our voices to the limits on any given song.  Songs are my life.  I wish I lived in a musical and could just bust out in song whenever the score tells me too.....oh wait....I do do that.  Poor Frank!   When we came home from South Carolina a couple of weeks ago....Marcie and Frank were subjected to church and a concert in the car.  I sang for probably 2 hours.  Frank gets it all the time....this was Marcie's first experience.  Wonder if she will ever ride with me again?  I hope so.  I love an audience when it comes to a song!


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