
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I went on Facebook this morning to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day and this is what I found.  I have to admit I cried my eyes out.  "Happy Mothers day to my amazing momma Karen Sasser Harrell Korb. You may not be perfect, but you have been the perfect momma for me. You have taught me so much about life. You were my first and biggest fan. You have always pushed me to be the best version of myself and yet, you have loved me when I was at my worst. For all the slumber parties where you would entertain my friends with your bea...utiful voice and your guitar, for driving me to Auburn for gymnastics even though I think you knew I was NOT the next Mary Lou Retton, for all our amazing road trips-especially to Green Gables;), for Football games and concert season, for letting me be my free spirited self(necklaces really do look better on your head), for loving my friends, for TEACHING me about Jesus, for going everywhere I went without being a crazy mom but the cool mom everyone wanted to sit with, and for seeing in me things I never knew I could be! I love you so much momma! God knew what he was doing when he made you my momma!!!!!!!!"  After the tears had subsided I typed back a comment.  "You are my biggest fan as well. I love you with all my heart and am so proud of your newest venture in life. You are the music in my life, the stories that I write, my creative muse. You are my A on a report card. You are my best friend, confidant, and I cannot thank you enough for loving me as I am and allowing me to share your life. God knew what he was doing when he gave you to me for safe keeping. I love you."  I have been blessed in my life with wonderful children.   Eric called later on his way to work and wished me a Happy Mother's Day.
Eric's precious family. 
Kat and Jenifer

Amy and Amelia (This was her first Mother's Day).

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