
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hodge Podging Towards the End of the School Year!

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Grab your ruby slippers and join the party...want to play then hop over to Joyce's blog, answer her questions, and post on her blog.  Here are my answers to this week's questions-

1. May is National Blood Pressure Month...what sends yours soaring, either literally or figuratively? What calms you down? When did you last have your bp checked?
My bp soars when my students don't follow instructions.  Music, reading, a ride, prayer, doing a devotional can calm it down quickly.  I have my bp checked regularly because I have high bp and take medication to keep it normal. 

2. You found $1-what do you spend it on? $10 $100?
1$-a large unsweet tea from McDonald's.
10$-9 days of large unsweet teas from McDonalds. (I figured the 10th dollar could pay for the tax in Roanoke.)

100$-shoes,a mani pedi, something fun to wear, yarn to make scarves,  or something fun for the house

3. Mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food has been proposed, but not yet enacted in the US. How much attention do you give food labels before you buy? Are you in favor of labeling if it means higher prices? Is this an issue you've been following and feel strongly about, or is this the first you've heard of the controversy?
I pay a good bit of attention to labels since I am a diabetic.  I try to keep to fresh, organic grown.  I do not want labeling to mean higher prices.  I have been reading a good bit on the subject and talking to friends who are extreme about the subject.  I am not ready to pay 10.00+ a poind for ground beef.

4. May 15th marks the birth date of Frank Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz. At this point in time are you more in need of brains, courage, heart, or a trip back home? Explain.
My parents used to tell me that you can never go back home.  I believe that.  I would have to say brains.  I am two years from retiring from teaching and will have to continue to work.  I do not want to teach after I I am going to have to learn how to do something else.

5. "There's no place like home" is an oft repeated line from Baum's book. When was the last time you felt the truth of that statement?
I have to agree with Joyce.  I love to travel.....but when I turn the car around and head home I feel excitement over returning home.  There truly is no place like it.

6. Steak-yes please or no thank you? What cut do you prefer and how do you like yours cooked? Sauce or no sauce? Besides your own kitchen where's a place you like to go to get a great steak?
Yes please, but not too often.  I like any cut.  Ribeye would be my favorite....or filet.  I use nothing on the steak unless it needs help.  Badly cooked steak = sauce.  As a child my favorite steak house was the Okeechobee Steak House.  I loved that place.  My adult favorite Frank's Grill.  It is convenient and wonderful.

7. When was the last time you were in a genuine hurry?
One day last week.  I left the house late.   I have an hour drive.  I got behind four semi's hauling logs, Grandpa Moses out for his 6:00 drive, two school buses, and 3 Alabama Power trucks headed out.  Note to self - leave before 6:10.  Result - lots of music because my bp was sky high. 

8. Insert your own random thought here. High School Graduations begin around here next week.  We have a Sernior Honor's Day on Friday of this week and this is the only official senior skip day.  They get to leave after the program....which lasts 2+ hours.  We do this on a separate day because graduation would take forever if we didn't.  What one special moment do you remember from your own graduations (high school or college)?  Mine is not from my own graduation....but from my daughters in 1998.  I was a member of the faculty at her school and got to wear a faculty gown, process in ahead of her, be one the field when she was handed her diploma.  It still brings a tear to my eye.

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