
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Journeys Across Niagara

About The Book:  A faded picture sets in motion a perilous journey for five young men in 1962, who, with a twist of mystery and revelation not only encounter harrowing adventure in the forbidden Niagara Gorge, but are forced to confront the swirling illusions of the world and God—changing their lives forever. More than a simple tale of camaraderie and adventure, this is a fascinating tale rich in historical fact and stories of visitors journeying through Niagara on the underground railroad and the Devil’s Hole Massacre. Journeys across America is a kaleidoscope of adventure and history exploring the questions confronting people of all ages.

About The Author(exerpt fom his blog): "LeVick was born and raised on the Niagara Frontier,  growing up on the Upper Niagara River.  He spent his formative years as a ‘river rat’, not in awe, but in fear of the mighty Cataract, viewing it as a threat to his Upper river escapades. More than once, LeVick and his fellow rats barely escaped the swift current while tubing down the river or fishing off of Navy Island in a rubber raft above the great Falls.
His perspective changed the first time he went down into the gorge below the Falls and “discovered” the lower river. There, like Saul on the road to Damascus, he was overcome by the wonder of the river and consumed by the mystery of it"

My Thoughts On The Book:  Having been to the Falls in 2012 when Nick Wallenda walked them and reading several legends and histories about the Falls,  I was very excited to review this book.  I was disappointed at how slow the book started out.  I did not think the first journey would ever end.  The Underground Railroad part of the journey was very intereting and since my class just studied Harriet Tubman it was enjoyable to hear her story in a different light.  I really hated the language used in this story and that kept me from really enjoying this book.  I honestly could not wait for it to end so I could be done.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Book Sneeze.  Thomas Nelson's  review program for bloggers, Blogging for Books. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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