
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Prosperity, SC and Porch Folks

We went to Prosperity, South Carolina with some of the Porch People this weekend.  We rented quaint little cabins and stayed right on Lake Murray.  It was gorgeous. 
The trip up was fun....except for the McDonalds stop.  I don't know why they take so long and don't seem to understand orders.  We rarely have that problem at the Roanoke one.  We got in late....and went straight to bed.  Late to bed and early to rise is tough...but we got up and headed to settle up on the cabins.  Breakfast was at the Lizard Thicket (I always call it the Lizard Lick).  After the meal we headed to the two big Flea Markets we like in Lexington.  The first one was cold.  A good bit of it was outside and the wind was blowing and the skies were gray and forboding.  The second one is more walled and it was a bit warmer.  I am so glad I took a jacket....just wish it had been heavier.  Lunch was at the restaurant on the other side of the bridge from out cabin and delish.  Everyone but Glenda had some form of hamburger.  Glenda had a Philly Cheese Steak...with molton lava white cheese on it.  It looked yummy too. After lunch the fishing poles came out....

and I opted for a nap.  When I woke up everyone was over at the second cabin waiting on me to play cards.  In the middle of a rain storm Frank went to the store and bought us a couple of packs so we could play Shanghai rummy.  You matter where you go....rules always vary.  Once I got the hang of the rules I was all in to the game.  I love Shanghai.  We played two full games, Sherry sat outside and watched the water, some watched television.  It was a fun day.  Supper was at Hawg Heaven.  I have had better....I have had worse.  I was also feeling puny. Bedtime was inviting....we were getting an early start in the morning.  We checked out, ate breakfast at Ronnie's place, headed home down Hwy 121.  I sang a good bit of the way home.  We had revival in our car.  I should have been a little more sensitive about Marcie's feelings.  I know how hard it is to leave someone you love....and the singing started a bit early. I know it was hard when T sent her a text telling her to stay....and she knew she couldn't.  My heart broke for her.  I sang most of of M's favorite songs and threw in a few of my own.  About the time we got to the I-20 the service was over.  We took I-20 and got off on exit 113.  We took some back roads to eliminate the traffic.  I loved the view....but then I love back roads.  I hate Atlanta traffic.  I feel like Mr. T in Atlanta.  Someone needs to slip me a Mickey and knock me out until we are on the other side of Hotlanta.  Home by 3.....and I rested the rest of the day.  Tomorrow I am calling the doctor.  I think I am having a flair up. was this time last year I got sick.  15 days left until summer.  PTL!

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