
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Hodge Podge

Hello to all out there in blogger land and welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge...add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post by clicking here and then go see what the neighbors are saying. Here are my answers to Joyce's questions for the week~

1. It's National Bike you own a bicycle? When did you last ride a bike?
I do not have a bicycle and have not since the old Schwinn back in 1963. Bike riding hurts my knees something fierce. 

2. What's something you learned in school that wasn't part of the curriculum?
Poetic styles of Beatles lyrics taught by Thaddeus Trotsky in the 10th grade.  How to get along with everyone when my school was desegregated during my high school years.

3. What's a food you've never tried, but would like to try? What's a food you've tried, and will never try again?  I am a safe eater and do not like internal organs or food that looks like it did when it was breathing.  Saying that though...I would like to try Scotland.  I will never eat beef tongue is nasty.

4. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Why? Do you think that's a good trend?
More demanding because it is the end of the school year and there is a lot I need to accomplish before Friday, May 24th.

5. Who is your favorite book, movie, or TV show villain?
Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz. I feel triumphant when she melts.

6. How concerned are you about identity theft?
It doesn't keep me up at night, but it's definitely on my radar. I find myself paying close attention to my surroundings when I use a card.

7. I saw this last question on Dawn's blog and asked if I could share. Everybody hop over and say hi, but first answer this...would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place or an extraordinary home in an ordinary place?
I am with Joyce here.....definitely an ordinary home in an extraordinary place. I'm all about a great location!

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Sometimes songs just really nail me to the wall.  A good friend of mine shared this song with me and I want to share it with you.  The singer reminds me of Josh Groban....but this song, Roads by Chris my least for now.  I hope you will click on the link and listen.   Do you have a song that is your theme?  Care to share it with me?

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