
Saturday, June 15, 2013

101 Things I Plan To Accomplish In 1001 Days

A year ago I made a new blogger friend, Shannon over at Sincerely Shannon.  She had started this project on July first and I thought it tied in perfectly with my plan to do more with each day.
Why did she choose 1001 days?  Big resolutions always seem to fall short. So instead this is a mis-matched list of long term and short term things to simply check off. It's stretched over 3 years period so there's less pressure and retirement looming in the future. Some of them are silly little things I want to try or be able to say I've done. Others are more serious things that I'd like to make permanent fixtures in my life.I thought I would keep myself on track and accountable so here is what I have done so far.  I changed a few because after attempting them they did not suit my fancy.  I am running a bit behind so I have to beef up my game.  I have until July 24th to accomplish some more....and plan to utilize my summer to do just that.  You don't have to be a blogger to do this.  You can write it down and keep it hidden away somewhere and see how many things you too can accomplish in 1001 days.  Good luck!

The start date: 7/24/12 - The end date: 7/24/15

1. Plan and take an Alaskan cruise.

2. Spend a night in the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.

3. Read a book a week.( I have exceeded this one so far and am reading at least 2 per week)

4. Spend more time with friends (old and new).

5. Hone my shooting skills with my pistol.

6. Meet a blog friend in real life.(Met Mary Cooper from Knoxville, TN)

7. Get my Karen’s Korner business up and running.

8.  Spend two weeks in Ireland.

9. Attend a big photography class somewhere fun.

10. Visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio.

11. Finish cleaning out my mom’s house.

12. Hit the 50 state marker (I lack 2 more).

13. Spend some time every fall in the Smokies.

14. Attend my 40 year class reunion from high school.(Went with Susan in 2012)

15. Do Route 66 with someone special.

16. Learn to crochet.(Took baby steps and learned to crochet these cute wraps)

17. Finish all my unfinished projects before starting new ones.

18. Walk regularly.

19. Visit Charleston again.(Thanks Allen for getting married in Charleston and giving me this chance)

20. Start a women’s bible study at my church.

21. Be a part of putting on a women’s mini conference somewhere.

22. Sing more.

23. Get another new stamp in my passport.

24. Purge “things” from my house.

25. Learn how to make a pound cake.

26. Drag out my sewing machine and sew stuff again.

27. Complete Pinterest projects I have pinned.

28. Finish and publish my book.

29. Do a Christmas of all handmade gifts.(Did a Pinterest Christmas with Kat and Brian.)

30. Study my bible every day..

31. Be more adventuresome with my cooking.

32. Pick one cookbook and try every recipe in it and blog about it.

33. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or for UMCOR.

34. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week.

35. Read all of Karen Kingsbury’s books.

36. Take a cooking class.

37. Learn to play 5 new songs on my guitar, from memory.

38.Learn to play the mandolin.

39. Learn to make jelly.

40. Take Frank to Washington D.C.

41. Buy a fancy pair of cowboy boots.

42. Take a girls trip each year.

43. Eat healthier.

44. Manage my diabetes

45. Pray more.

46. Save six month’s salary.

47. Go to a blogger/writer/storytellers conference.

48. Pack a healthy  lunch every day during the school year.

49. Organize craft supplies and my office.

50. Load all my CDs on my ipod.

51. Deep clean my car interior and exterior.

52. Learn how to properly knot a man’s tie and bow tie.

53. Have a mani and pedi on a regular basis.

54. Paint the second rocker on my front porch white.

55. Get a hammock for my backyard and use it.

56. Get a swing for my backyard and set it up.

57. Use this list as a springboard for my blog.

58. Plan a great ten year anniversary surprise for Frank in 2013.  (Made sure he got to go to Israel and get his first adult passport stamp).
59. Use my camera daily.

60. Get a 300 lens for my camera.

61. Photograph eagles.

62. Vote in the presidential election.

63. Eat a fish taco

64. Develop a clothing style that fits me.

65. Go to a movie  or out to dinner in a restaurant by myself.

66. Make bread pudding and wine sauce (like Mary Mac’s Tea Room)

67. Increase my herb garden.

68. Spend time with the people I love.

69. Let my nails grow out.

70. Finish my painted mailbox.

71. Blog every single day for a year….or at least get 365 posts in in a year.

72. Use my professional camera more and my iPhone camera less.

73. Modge Podge more

74. Surprise someone special.

75. Take a trip to Germany.

76. Do something selfless or unexpected for someone each week.

77. Organize myself at home.

78. Start catering more.

79. Host a Christmas Open House at the parsonage.

80.Learn to use my Cricut with ease.

81. See a truly amazing sunrise and get a picture of it.

82. Send birthday cards to all the special people in my life.

83. Visit museums quarterly.

84. Go through my vinyl records and get rid of most of them

85. Copy all my vinyl  to my computer and ipod.

86. Copy all my cassettes onto my computer and ipod..

87. Stock my car for emergencies.

88. Learn to make fried apple pies like Aunt Virginias.

89. Go to Mallorca and Spain.

90. Join the local volunteer fire department.

91. Make notecards for myself and others.

92. Design my own business card.

93. Complete my Charm dishes set.

94. Attend a bagpipes concert to hear my friend Janice's group perform.

95. View Christmas lights that are amazing.”

96. Update my resume.

97. Complete a teacher portfolio for myself.

98. Do some you tube training videos for fun things.(making mesh wreaths and a few other things)

99. Make and sell (or give away)salt/sugar scrubs locally.

100. Retire from teaching with 25 years.

101. Keep a positive attitude at work for the next three years.

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