
Sunday, June 9, 2013


ABOUT THE BIBLE STUDY:  WHO: Jennie Allen is a Bible teacher who is passionate about inspiring a new generation of women to encounter the invisible God. She graduated form Dallas Theological Seminary with a master in Biblical studies. In addition to serving alongside her husband in ministry, she is working with Thomas Nelson to publish several studies and trade books that engage women’s minds and hearts towards Christ.
WHAT: Chase: Chasing After the Heart of God offers eight 10-minute teaching videos alongside an interactive study guide that focus on David, “a man after God’s own heart.” Jennie tackles real-life issues by allowing Scripture to shed light on the pursuits that can derail the chase after God’s heart.
SO WHAT?: Jennie invites women to explore the life and psalms of David, whose dealings with God are more intimately portrayed in scripture than anyone other than Jesus Christ. Her goal for these studies is two-fold: to draw women close to God and to each other.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  "My passion is to inspire a new generation of women to encounter the invisible God. I love words and I believe God uses them to heal souls and to reveal Himself to people. I am blessed to be working with Thomas Nelson to publish several studies and trade books, engaging women’s minds and hearts toward Christ. Three studies are now available: Stuck, Anything, and Chase.
I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Studies. And while all that sounds pretty fancy… I am really just a mess of a girl, trying to figure out God, and why I seem to keep struggling with the same invisible issues I had in kindergarten.  Welcome to the spot I wrestle and the place I dream.
I hope you feel at home.  I am so blessed to serve alongside my husband Zac, in ministry at Austin Stone Community Church, where Zac is a pastor. We have 4 kids, including our youngest son who we recently adopted from Rwanda." (
MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THE BIBLE STUDY:  When I got the Bible Study I was so excited.  I love Bible Studies.  This one brought me to a screeching half when I began to ask myself....Karen, what exactly are you chasing? In life we all find ourselves chasing after something that we think we need to make us happy. But will it really?  I was so excited when I found everything I would need to fascilitate this study.  There was a study guide, leader's guide, DVD, and question cards. I had everything....except a group to do the study with. After showing the study guide to some of my church ladies a bible study group was easy to assemble.  They seemed as excited as I was.  Jennie Allen walked you through David's life and tied it to what we go through in a way that was impressive and easy to follow. What are we chasing and what should we be chasing?  Surrender is where we need to start.  God wants it all. Allen wraps up the study with the idea of being chased down and connects it to "chasing down" their adoption of a boy from Africa.  This was one that hit home since my daughter and son-in-law are currently in Moldova serving as missionaries in an orphanage.  They surrendered their jobs, their comfortable lives in the states, their families....and when God said whom shall I send....they raised their hands.  In the study as a whole the leader's guide breaks down what the goals and responsibilities of a leader are and how to encourage discussions. Each session is broken down into a main idea and a main goal you want to meet each week.  Easy Peesy for sure.  I loved the discussion cards.  Each one has a key scripture and 12 questions for each session. I am all about a study that shows you how to read the Bible and see where and how it applies to your life. Believe me this study does that to a tee.  If you get a chance to participate in this bible study....go for it.  I promise you won't regret it. 
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Shelton Interactive and Thomas Nelson's review program for bloggers, Book Sneeze. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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