
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crochet 101

When I got up this morning I was so excited.  I was going to have my first crocheting lesson with Mrs. Shirley.  I could not wait.  When I got there I was a bundle of nerves.  I had tried to learn how to crochet once a long time ago....and it did not happen.  Since learning how to make the scarves in December I have been dying to take crochet to the next level.  Mrs. Shirley is a patient teacher.  She gave me a ball of a ball for herself and we began lesson one....chain and single stitch.  I don't know which worked fingers or my tongue....but I finally quit trying to choke the thread.  After an hour of hard work we took a break for some Butter Pecan cake and something to drink.   At the table (one of my favorite places to visit) we talked about life, love, kids, and crochet.  When break was up we went back to work.  A little after twelve she gave me my homework.  I am to finish up my initial ball of yarn with chain and single stitch....and then...I am to take ball of yarn number two and begin without help.   Lesson two will be double and triple stitch....but hey....let's take it one step at a time.  I have a goal in mind.  I want to make a scarf and shawl.  I have found my patterns....and am wish me luck.  I will keep you posted on how I am progressing.  How many of you out there in blogger land crochet...or knit., sew, smock, tat, candlewick, cross-stitch...etc.  Do you have a craft/handiwork?  Leave a comment and let me know just what you do?  Thank you Mrs. Shirley for being willing to teach someone with two left thumbs.  You rock!

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