
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First of June Wednesday Hodge Podge

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you'd like to join the party, answer the questions on your own blog, then add your link at the end of Joyce's post. Here are my answers for this weeks questions~

1. Have you learned more from success or failure?  Explain.  I learn more from success because I get the courage to try again.  Failure sometimes keeps me from venturing out a second time.  I learn from failure...I learn what to do and not to do....but my courage is shaken.

2. What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up? If you have children, what do they call your parents? If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?  My dad's mom was Grandmother with a capital G.  She was very austere and frightening.   I never knew my grandfather on that side of the family.  My mom's mom was little granny (she was shorter than I was when I was in the 5th grade.)  My mom's dad was Tige or granddaddy.  I have grandchildren and they call me nana K.  I have a great granddaughter and she calls me nana too.

3. You're invited to a luau. In keeping with that theme, what dish do you bring to share?
I would bring my pineapple/chicken dish with a garlic teriyaki.  It is yummy and I copied it from something I actually had when in Hawaii.  I serve it on rice just like they did.  It is a pretty presentation and delicious to boot.

4. Besides Jesus, what one person's life story do you think everyone should know?  I agree with Joyce on this one.  Jesus would be the story of goodness.  We need to know about Hitler and his story of pure evil. 

5. "Don't sweat the small stuff." Agree or disagree?  Agree...sort of.  I tend to not sweat the small and mundane stuff.  I hold out for sweating over the huge things in life.  Where my children were/are concerned I can sweat the small stuff with the best of moms.  
6. June is National Rivers Month...when were you last on a river? What's the prettiest river you've ever seen? What's a river you'd like to see?  Lake West Point which is on the Georgia/

Alabama line and about 10 minutes from my house.  I also love Lake Martin in Alexander City, AL.  This is a view from the deck of my house when I lived on the lake.

The most rustic river I have ever seen would have to be Lake West Point near where I live. The Columbia River is one of the most awesome....and the Colorado too.  One I never want to see again is the Deschutes in Oregan....had a near death experience there. 
I would love to see the Danube and take one of the cruises they offer. 

7. Speaking of rivers-paddling, swimming, fishing, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.  Fishing, bird watching, boating would be my favorite activities.  My most favorite is shooting pictures from a boat...of eagles.

8. Insert your own random thought here.   In the morning we are headed to South Carolina for Frank's nephew's wedding.  It will be a Friday event on Sullivans Island.  This is the last of the traveling we will be doing for a while.  I love to travel....but sometimes too much is too much.  We have been on the road since May 24th.  Trip One was to Panama City Beach.  Trip Two was to Birmingham to the Annual North Alabama United Methodist Conference.  Trip Three is to South Carolina.  Do you ever have a time when you go too much.  I don't know about you guys....but I love sleeping in my own bed....with my own noises.....and my own pillow.

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