
Friday, June 28, 2013

Five Minute Friday - In-Betweens

Got five minutes? Let’s write. Let’s finger paint with words.  Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not. Here’s how to play along:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.

3. Go leave some comment props for the five minute artist who linked up before you.
It’s a great way to catch your breath at the end of a long week.  If you have the verifications button on it really makes it nice if you take them off.  There are some of us out there with bi-focals who have a hard time with them.   OK, are you ready? Let’s see your best five minutes for the prompt:


 For the past couple of days my daughter has been in-between Moldova and home.  She has been working with orphans for the past month and living on CEE time which is about 8 hours ahead of Rock Mills, AL.  Planning Skype calls in-between her being awake and me being asleep has been amusing.  She has called a few times in the wee night and morning....and I have too.  One afternoon I called her....and she sounded so sleepy....well was after 1 in the morning over there.   Late Wednesday night in Alabama she was supposed to board a plan early on Thursday morning heading home.  See how confusing this gets?  On this flight she was to be flying with a group from Florida who had spent the last week with her and the little ones at the orphanage.  None of them made that was cancelled.  Kat was rebooked solo on one that was to leave several hours later(the Florida group would be leaving on Friday....and Saturday).....but now instead of landing in Atlanta at 6 pm on Thursday night....she would be landing at midnight....hopefully.  In-between point A and point B there were storms raging.  The leg from Chisinau to Munich was not a problem.  Flight made in Munich...even though she was on standby.  In-between Munich and Chicago....things went awry and the plane was diverted to Toronto to refuel.  The results were somewhere in-between Toronto and Chicago Kat missed her flight and had to spend the night in there and here.  Early Friday morning she boarded her flight and flew the in-between distance to come home.  Brian, her husband spent the night in the Atlanta area because he was in-between home and Atlanta when we learned she was not on the first plane.  Poor B.  Friday he was waiting on her when her plane touched down.  He was in-between the bottom of the escalator and the door...waiting....with a sign to let her know her homecoming was much appreciated.  I think this is the longest time they have evern been apart.  Brian is such a great guy and this is what she was met with....inbetween the tram and baggage claim.

Do you think he is happy?  Off to baggage claim, then to the car, and finally they only had one in-between left....they were still in-between Atlanta and Montgomery....two hours home.  In-betweens can be a tough place to be.  Whether you are in-between a sibling or in-between in your travels.  It is sometimes a time of stress.  I know it was for Kat, for Brian, and for her momma.  You know....your children grow up, marry, move away.....but when your adult child is in distress....the momma bear in us all rises to the occassion and wants to move heaven and earth to fix it.  "All's well that ends well"....I suppose.  Welcome Home Kat!  We will get together soon at the in-between, Auburn(1 hour each way for both of us)....and celebrate a belated birthday!


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